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Kazu Foun Pozitivu Covid-19 Mosu, SIJK "Hamamuk" Hotel Lecidere

Kareta Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize kona ba Covid 19 para nadodon iha Hotel Lecidere nia oin (19/4) Kareta Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize kona ba Covid 19 para nadodon iha Hotel Lecidere nia oin (19/4) Foto Januario Varela

Tempotimor (Dili)-Hafoin Timor-oan ida ne'ebé tama kuarentena iha Hotel Lecidere konfirmadu pozitivu Corona Virus Diseases 2019 (Covid-19), Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) deside hodi muda ema na'in 40 ne'ebé durante ne'e kuarentena iha hotel refere.

Tuir desizaun SIJK, Timor-oan na'in 40 ne'e sei fahe ba kuarentena Tasi Tolu, Otel Viena iha Hudi Laran, no YQ Hotel iha Raikotu.

“Agora  iha faze preparasaun hotu ona atu muda 6 pessoas ba kuarentena Tasi Tolu, 17 pesoas ba Hotel Viena  Hudi Laran no 17 pesoas ba YQ Hotel Raikotu. Ekipa PNTL Dili no Saude iha terenu ona,” dehan autoridade ida ba jornalista www.tempotimor.com, Domingu (19/04) loraik.

LEE MOS : Timoroan Iha Hotel Lecidere La Koopera Ho SIJK Atu Muda Ba Kuarentena Tasi Tolu

Molok ne'e, autoridade ne'e dehan, sira ne'ebé kuarentena iha Hotel Lecidere lakohi atu muda ba kuarentena Tasi Tolu no ezije ba SIJK atu husik sira fila ba uma.

Maske nune'e, nia hatete, SIJK deside ona atu tenke muda sai sira husi fatin refere tanba fatin ne'e kontaminadu ona ho virus.

“Hatan ka lae, ekipa uza maneira tenke halo separasaun ba sira tanba fatin ne'e (Hotel Lecidere) mós kontaminadu.”

Tuir observasaun jornalista www.tempotimor.com iha terenu nota katak, ambulansia ida no bus rua tama no sai dala haat iha area hotel Lecidere, no movimentu ikus liu mak iha tuku 17:16 Oras Timor-Leste.

Iha mós membru SIJK balun hamutuk ho pesoal saúde no parte seguransa sira ne'ebé akompaña prosesu evakuasaun ema na'in 40, kompostu husi mane na'in 25 no feto na'in 15, ne'e.

Hafoin muda sai ema hirak ne'e, liu menutu balun ekipa bombeirus to'o kedas iha Hotel Lecidere hodi rega areador hotel hahú husi tuku 17:20 to'o tuku 17:49.

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Last modified on Sunday, 19 April 2020 23:40
Tempo Timor

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