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Tempotimor (Díli) – Ekipa Avaliasaun husi ASEAN Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) apresia Timor-Leste nia avansadu ne'ebé iha, nune'e posibilidade tempu besik TL sai ona membru ASEAN.

Diretór Jerál  Asuntu ASEAN, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Jorge Trindade Camoes liuhosi Konferensia Imprensa ne'ebé hala'o iha salaun VIP Aeroportu Internasionál Nicolau Lobato katak, ekipa avaliasaun husi ASEAN hakfodak haree Timor nia kapasidade.

"Ekipa ida mai ne'e, husi parte polítika no seguransa. Sira mai rekolla dadus kona-ba polítika  no seguransa ita nian. Nune'e, iha diskusaun ne'e ita dehan ba sira katak ita presiza timeline ida ne'ebé sertu, para ita adere no sai membru ba ASEAN," informa Jorge Trindade ba jornalista, Sesta (06/09/19).

Nia afirma, ekipa Fact Finding Mission mós apresia ba Timor-Leste nia kapasidade. "Liuhosi organiza eventu ne'e, seguransa no atendimentu inklui mós sira seluk. Sira mós impresonadu katak buat ne'ebé ita halo ne'e liu saida mak sira hanoin. Tanba, sira hanoin katak ita la konsege organiza eventu ne'e ho di'ak," nia esplika.

Ba ekipa husi ASEAN ne'e, Timor-Leste mós promete sei esforsu nafatin atu nune'e bele sai duni membru ASEAN, iha tempu ne'ebé tuir mai.

Hadi'a Ekonomia 

Ekipa Fact-Funding Mission, nu'udar ekipa avaliador ba nasaun ne'ebé  atu sai membru ASEAN, inklui Timor-Leste rekomenda atu hadi'a parte ekonomia iha rai laran, hodi nune'e bainhira TL sai membru ASEAN, ekonomikamente TL preparadu ona.

"Seitor ekonomia importante teb-tebes. Ne'ebé, ha'u hanoin iha tempu badak ita haree oinsá iha ekipa ida halo estudu hodi rekolla dadus sira ne'ebé presiza, para hakat ba oin hodi negosia ho sira kona-ba área ekonomia ninian," tenik Jorge.

Iha fatin hanesan, nia mós hato'o agradesementu ba média nasionál ne'ebé durante ne'e públika sai ona informasaun kona-ba avaliasaun Timor-Leste nian husi ekipa Fact-Finding Mission.

"Ba maluk jornalista sira, ami agradese teb-tebes tanba ita boot sira bele halo publikasaun atu ita nia sosiedade bele akompaña prosesu ne'e tomak, sira mós iha koñesimentu saida mak la'o hela no komunidade mós hatene ekipa Fact-Finding Mission iha ne'e," Jorge espresa.

Iha biban ne'e, Jorge husu ema hotu atu akompaña prosesu Timor-Leste nia adezaun ba ASEAN.

Tempotimor (Díli) – Ministru Komérsiu no Indústria (MKI) Interinu, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães ho ekipa MKI balun, Sesta (06/09/19) aprezenta projetu indústria kompleksu ba Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, iha Palásiu Governu.

Tuir Ministru MKI interinu ne'e, indústria kompleksu ne'ebé MKI aprezenta ba PM ne'e tuir planu sei harii iha Munisípiu Likisa iha tinan oina mai (2020).

"Ohin, ami mai aprezenta ba PM kona-ba konstrusaun ne'ebé ha'u hanaran Parque. Maibé, ema balun dehan ne'e jardín kuda ai-funan nian. Mas ne la'ós. Ne'e indústria kompleksu ne'ebé tuir planu sei harii iha Munisípiu Likisa," Fidelis informa ba jornalista iha Palásiu Governu, Sesta (06/09/19).

Ministru ne'e akresenta, indústria kompleksu ne'ebé sei harii iha Likisa ne'e, sei sai fatin kompleksu ida ba fabrika no investór sira bele mai aluga iha fatin refere.

"Aban bainrua, indústria no investór sira mai investe, sira bele aluga fatin ne'ebá. Governu mak fornese bee, eletrisidade, fatin, asesu ba estrada no aeroportu," Fidelis hatete.

Alende ne'e, tuir Fidelis, orsamentu ne'ebé preve ba planu projetu indústria kompleksu ne'e, kuaze milioens US$ 15.

Tempotimor (Díli) – Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, Kinta (05/09/19) hato’o sentidu kondolénsia ne’ebé kle’an, ba família enlutada saudozu Lucas da Costa “Rama Metan” Reitor Universidade da Páz, no Fundadór RENETIL, ne’ebé husik ona mundu iha tuku 08.00 OTL, Kinta 05 Setembru 2019 iha Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV).

“Sente triste rona notísia ida ne’e. Timor-Leste lakon timoroan matenek di’ak ida ne’ebé dedika nia an tomak ba área edukasaun, hanesan Reitór UNDIL no UNPAZ hodi kontribui ba ita-nia rekursu umanu. La’ós ne’e de’it, iha tempu okupasaun, nia mós kontribui ba ita-nia nasaun nia luta liuhosi RENETIL, hodi ohin ita sai nasaun ida livre no independente,” PM Taur hatete.

Aproveita okaziaun ne’e, PM Taur mós hakarak hato’o ninia sentidu profundu kondolénsia ba família saudozu nian, ne’ebé triste hela tanba lakon ema di’ak hosi sira-nia leet.

“Ita hotu reza ba nia, atu nia klamar simu iha Nai Maromak nia Kadunan Santu, moris rohan la’ek hodi kontinua tau matan ba nia família, no ita hotu hodi kontinua obra ne’ebé nia husik hela iha mundu ne’e,” PM Taur esplika.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Timor-Leste’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Dionísio Babo Soares says the exchange of diplomatic notes of the treaty between Timor-Leste and Australia establishing the respective maritime boundaries in the Timor sea has a great influence on Timor-Leste to become a member of ASEAN.

On 4th of September 2019, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Dionísio Babo Soares, conducts a meeting with the ASEAN Fact Finding Mission Team to share information on the Timor-Leste’s readiness to join ASEAN. Key message delivered is that Timor-Leste’s aspiration on becoming member of ASEAN was initiated back in 1975 and this remains the foreign policy priority of the State and Government of Timor-Leste.

The politician from Ermera municipality stated that the exchange of diplomatic notes of the treaty between Timor-Leste and Australia establishing the respective maritime boundaries in the Timor sea had a great influence on Timor-Leste to become a member of ASEAN.

"Therefore, it shows that we have sovereignty, we can manage our sovereignty that we are strong, there is no country coming to take us arbitrarily," he told reporters in Timor-Plaza, Dili, Wednesday (04/09).

The Fact Finding Finding Misson team has arrived in Timor-Leste to evaluate the country's preparations, which for almost 10 years have not yet joined ASEAN.

Historically, Timor-Leste has submitted its application to join the ASEAN organization since 2011. From the beginning until now, Indonesia, which became the first country, gave full support to this new country to enter ASEAN, but until now it has not been recognized by Singapore.

Geographically, the new country that celebrated the 20th referendum on 30 August was located in the Southeast Asia region, and the destination of the former colonies of Portugal and Indonesia joined ASEAN to strengthen security and defense and the economy in the Southeast Asian region.

East Timor's Foreign Minister Dionísio da Costa Babo Soares said the Fact-Finding Mission team consisting of 60 people from 10 ASEAN member countries came to Timor-Leste to evaluate the willingness of Timor-Leste to enter ASEAN.

The former Minister of Justice added that the Fact-Finding Mission team asked about Timor-Leste's politics in the world, and this question was a test of preparation for ASEAN entry.

"We are ready to enter if we are ready to enter, what we need to do, and what we need to submit. They asked very specific questions especially about our foreign policy strategy. Therefore, it was concluded today that I am trying to bring the name of the government to answer to them that we are ready to enter the ASEAN organization, "he explained.

He added the question that arose was what was the position of Timor-Leste about the power competition between America and China, and what was Timor-Leste's position on the issue of dispute when it entered ASEAN members.

"Some ASEAN members asked about the South China Sea issue, and also other questions about economic matters. And our human resource capacity is prepared or not, there is quality or not. These are very specific questions for them to see whether Timor-Leste is ready to enter ASEAN or not, "he explained.

This is the first time a Fact-Finding Mission came to Timor-Leste to make an evaluation, and according to the plan the mission will end in September next year.

Marcal Avelino Ximenes gave an applause to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.


“We all hope that the ASEAN team of Fact-Finding Mission in the ground will be get a comprehensive picture of Timor-Leste’s condition of development right now that can be used as input to the decision makers of ASEAN’s countries that can be able to accept our country Timor-Leste as a member of ASEAN in the near future,” he says.

Tempotimor (Díli) – Primeiru Ministru VIII Governu Konstitusionál, Taur Matan Ruak lori povu Timor-Leste nia naran, hato'o agradese ba Ian Martin ne'ebé fó ona ninia kontribuisaun ba Timor-Leste nia destinu, liuhosi referendu iha 30 Agusto 1999.

"Hanesan Primeiru Ministru, lori povu no nasaun Timor-Leste nia naran hakarak agradese ba ita boot 'Ian Martin' liuhosi apoiu, kontribuisaun no kapasidade lideransa jestaun durante tinan ruanulu nia laran ba kotuk, ne'ebé iha situasaun difisil liu, iha ami nia nasaun," PM Taur Matan Ruak espresa nia agradesimentu ba Ian Martin iha Hotel Timor, bainhira komemora loron 4 Setembru ba dala ruanulu, Kuarta (04/09/19).

Lider Nasionál ne'e mós dehan, maski situasaun iha tempu ne'ebá defisil tebes, maibé Timor-Leste konsege hetan nia vitoria ba libertasaun. “Parabens ba ita boot, Ian Martin,” hatete PM Taur.

Tempotimor (Díli) – Hahú husi loron 26 to'o 31 Agostu 2019, Unidade Emerjensia Hospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV), rejista pasiente hamutuk 673.

Xefe Unidade Emerjensia HNGV, Lucia Celeste Amaral ba tempotimor.com, Tersa (03/09/19) hatete, númeru pasiente aumenta relasiona ho feriadu loron Konsulta Populár 30 Agusto.

"Pasiente ne'ebé tama iha emergensia durante 24 oras, mak hanesan kazu maternidade, asidente no mós kazu sira seluk," Lucia informa iha ninia knaar fatin, HNGV, Bidau, Díli.

Lucia dehan, iha periode ne'e, fatin iha sala emerjensia nakonu ho pasiente sira ne'ebé transfere husi klínika.

"Hospitál ne'e, hasoru impaktu bainhira halo registrasaun ba pasiente sira ne'ebé laiha karta transferensia, husi klínika ne'ebé sira halo tratamentu ba," Lucia haktuir.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), Julião da Silva ho ninia ekipa, Sesta (03/09/19) sorumutu ho Konsellu Administrasaun husi Fundu Infraestrutura (KAFI) hodi ko’alia kona-ba estabelesimentu sentru exelénsia iha Metinaru.

Tempotimor (Díli) – Bankada opozisaun Partidu Demokrátika (PD) iha Parlamentu Nasionál, ezije VIII Governu tenki seriu nomeia Prezidente Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) no Zona Espesiál Ekonomia Sosiál Merkadu (ZEESM) Timor-Leste.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), Julião da Silva, Sesta (30/08/19) akompaña husi Inspetór Jerál Traballu (IJT) hala’o inspesaun ba loja iha Kapitál Dili laran.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Embaixadór Japaun ba Timor-Leste, Hiroshi Minami, Tersa (27/08/19) hato'o ninia despedida ba Sekretáriu Estadu Profisionál no Emprego (SEFOPE), Julião da Silva. Embaixadór Minami despedida, hafoin tinan rua hala'o ninia knaar iha Timor-Leste.



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