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Tempotimor (Dili)-Timor-oan na'in 59 ne'ebé durante ne'e tuir programa Seasonal Worker Program (SWP) hamutuk na'in 59 ohin, Sabadu (28/03), to'o ona iha Aeroportu Internasional Nicolau Lobato ho aviaun Air Not. Tuir planu, aban, Domingu (29/03), Timor-oan sira iha Singapura no Indonezia mós sei fila mai TL.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Governu no povu Australia kontinua hatudu sira-nia komitementu ne'ebé boot tebes hodi apoiu Timor Leste bainhira monu ba situasaun defisil.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Governu Austrália promete sei asegura trabaladór Timor-oan ne'ebé daudauk ne'e serbisu hela iha sira-nia rai husi pandemia Corona Virus Diasses 2019 (Covid-19).

Tempotimor (Dili) - Timor-Leste lakon belun no defensór ida. Iha loron 1 Fevereiru 2020. Eis-Konsul Australianu iha Timor-Leste, James Dunn, husik iis ikus nian iha Australia.

Tempotimor, DILI-Programa Sekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE) hodi haruka trabaladór Timor-oan ba rai li’ur nu’udar programa ne’ebé pozitivu, maibé, iha ajensia balun ne’ebé deskonfia supa trabaladór sira. Ajensia ne’e la oferese salariu bazeia ba kontratu ne’ebé trabaladór sira asina ona.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Timor Leste ameasadu atu selu osan hamutuk kuaze besik millaun $500 ba kompaña ida husi Australia, Lighthouse Corporation, wainhira  kompaña manan iha Tribunal, hafoin Supremu Tribunal Australia nian rejeita argumentu rekursu husi governu Timor Leste ne’ebé kesiona kompetensia Australia hodi realiza julgamentu ba kazu ne’ebé Lighthouse levanta.

Iha Senadu ida husi Autsralia ne'ebe hakarak hodi defende direitu Timor Leste nian hodi hasai lian kroat hasoru nia governu.

Tuir mai deklarasaun husi Senadu Patrick husi Australia Súl (19:25): Ha’u nia obrigado ba Senator Green tanba halo ona kontribusaun ida kona ba ami nia viajen mak ami halo ona ba PNG. Momentu ne’e, viajen ne’e kapas tebes. Ha’u sei muda fali ba oda-matan tuir mai ba Timor-Leste agora no koalia kona ba erru iha estratejia mak ita sei halo relasiona ho Timor-Leste. Ha’u iha Timor-Leste semana rua liu ba partisipa sira nia loron aniversáriu  independensia, no konsege haree sira nia prezidente fó sai aviso direta, ka indikasaun, ba Primeiru Ministru (primeiru ministru Australia nia ho Foreign Minister) katak buat ruma laloos.

By : Sally Rummery 

Tempotimot (Dili) - Activist group, Movement Against the Occupation of the Timor Sea (MKOTT) has condemned the Australian government for its prosecution of whistle-blower, Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, calling it an ‘attack on freedom of expression and democracy’. 

The group has launched a public petition against Australian Federal Attorney General, Christian Porter in protest to the prosecution of the men.

Charges were filed against the two men by federal prosecutors, with Mr Porter’s approval, following the exposure of an Australian bugging operation of Timorese government offices during negotiations over how lucrative oil and gas reserves were to be shared between the nations. 

As Timor-Leste prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary of the 1999 referendum on the 30th of August, it also hopes to officially ratify its Maritime Boundary Treaty with the Australian government. 

The exposure of the Australian secret service’s corrupt and illegal bugging put pressure on Australia to accept, in 2018, a boundary treaty agreed in a facilitated conciliation process under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

In a media conference held last week, MKOTT called on Mr Porter to use his power under section 71 of the Judiciary Act (1903) to immediately put a stop to the prosecutions, saying that it would ruin the relationship between the countries. 

"While Timor-Leste and Australia are about to celebrate this important occasion, we the undersigned note with great regret that the Australian government has continued its prosecution of Lawyer Bernard Collaery and Witness K. These two are heroes of the maritime boundary agreement and thus their prosecution will pollute the celebration and the bilateral relations".

The petition is hoped to have gained the signature of over a thousand Timorese by the end of August.

Husi: Reportajen Defeza Andrew Greene no Lucy Sweeney, atualiza iha loron 29 Juñu 2019, 1:33am

News link: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-06-28/witness-k-and-bernard-collaery-charged-intelligence-act-breach/9919268 

Tempotimor (Melbourne) - Advogadu Canberra nian ida ne’ebé ninia kliente lekar-sai ona operasaun espioneza iha Timor-Leste deskreve katak akuzasaun ne’ebé mak halo hasoru sira nain rua nu’udar ataka ida ba iha Liberdade ba espressaun nian.

tempotimor.com (Dili) - Timor Leste kontinua respeita direitu Austrália nian ba área tasi ne'ebé sira iha. Ne'e duni, Governu TL ho Austrália sei konklui poder Estadu rai rua ne'e nian.

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