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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

Koordenador CNRT, Manuel Mendonça ko'alia iha mini kampaña partidu Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) iha loron Sabádu, semana kotuk. Foto Media Center. 

DILI—Kordenador Komisaun Juridisaun Aliansa Mundansa ba Progresu (AMP), Arão Noe konsidera, Primeiru Ministru, setimu governu Mari Alkatiri nia ukun iha periodu governu jestaun, hamosu ona indisiu ukun “liman besi ka ditadura”.

Lamentasaun ida ne’e, Arão Noe halo tanba aktu Primeiru Ministru nian ne’ebé bolu kordenador CNRT postu administrativu Remexio, ohin iha palásio governu, tanba la satisfas ho deklarasaun ne’ebé kordenador ne’e halo foin lalais iha kampañia AMP nian ne’ebé realiza iha Remexio, Sabádu, 21 Abril liubá.

Primeiru Ministru hatudu indisiu ditadura, hodi limita ema nia liberdade expresaun.” Arao Noel lamenta via kontaktu telemovel ba Tempo Timor, bainhira husu nia klarifikasaun, Segunda (23/04).

Tuir Arão, Mari Alkatiri kometa mós krime eleitoral, tanba nia uza poder no kompetênsia hodi bolu funsionariu ida atu halo presaun iha oras servisu, enkuantu aktu funsionariu ne’e partisipa kampañia iha loron Sabádu ho Domingu.

“Aktu Primeiru Ministru ne’e krime. Nia hala’o funsaun hanesan primeiru ministru, maibé ko’alia fali aktu kampañia nian, ami sei foti dadus atu prosesa tuir dalan legal ne’ebé mak iha,” Arao promete hodi afirma hahu ohin kedan sira sei rekoella dadus hodi prosesa Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkatiri tuir dalan legal.

“Aktu ne’e mengarah (halai – liubá) ba ditadura. Labele kontra governu, labele kontra nia (Alkatiri-red),” Arão afirma.

Hodi esplika, “Prezensa Manuel Mendonca, momentu neeba, hanesan sidadaun ida. Aleinde ne’e, Manuel Mendonça, mós nu’udar estrutura AMP nian. Nune’e nia partisipa iha kampañia ne’e mós, la’os iha loron servisu. Tanba ne’e, la podia, Primeiru Ministru bolu nia,” Arão esplika partisipasaun Manuel nian iha kampañia AMP.

Tuir Arão, se momentu ne’eba Manuel Mendonça halo violasaun ruma, dalan loos mak keixa ba CNE, tanba CNE mak halo supervisaun ba aktu eleitoral la’os Primeiru Ministru hanesan xefe governu mak bolu fali Manuel Mendonça hodi inkeritu.

CNRT, espesialmente no AMP jeralmente, lamentavel tebtebes ho asaun ne’ebé Primeiru Ministru, Mari Alkatiri halo, hatudu momoos Alkatiri uza fali kompetensia hodi halo persegisaun ba militante AMP nian.

Ironiku liutan, PM, Alkatiri hala’o prosesu inkeritu ne’e ho akompañamentu Ministru Defeza no Seguransa, José Agostinho Sequeira Somoxo no vise Ministru Transporte Telekomunikasaun, Inacio Moreira. 

 Manuel Mendonça hafoin remata sorumutu ho primeiru - ministru governu jestaun no governu minoritáriu, Mari Alkatiri iha Palásiu Governu, Dili, Segunda (23/04). Foto Tempo Timor/Raimundos Oki 

Entertantu, Manuel Mendonça, rekonñese katak, ohin dadersan iha Palásio Governu, durante meia hora de tempu nia hasoru Primeiru Ministru ho kapasidade funsionariu hosi Ministériu Petróleu no Rekursu Mineral (MPRM), hodi hatan ba Primeiru ministru, Mari Alkatiri. Tanba de’it, liafuan “Bainhira Alkatiri sei nafatin nu’udar Primeiru Ministru, PipeLine sei la mai Timor,” ne’ebé nia ko’alia iha kampañia AMP nian iha postu Remexio Sabádu semana kotuk.

“Depois ha’u hasoru Primeiru Ministru, Nia hameno ba ha’u labele ko’ali ba media,” Manuel hasara lia.

Iha parte seluk, Xefe Gabinete Primeiru Ministru, Nelson dos Santos, konfirma Manuel Mendonça hetan xamada.

“Sim, ha’u mak telefone duni nia atu mai hasoru Primeiru Ministru, hodi konfirma nia deklarasaun ne’ebé hatete, iha kampañia,” Nelson informa via kontaktu telemovel. (Oki)


Kareta suspeitu MSG nian ne'ebé nia uja hodi tenta sobu kampaña partidu AMP nian iha kampu futebol Likisa, Sesta (20/04). Foto Valentino Dariel Sousa. 

LIKISA – Suspeitu ida ho naran inisial MSG tenta atu sobu komisiu ka kampaña partidu Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) iha munisipiu Likisa hafoin hetan intervensaun imediata hosi parte seguransa.

Jornalista Tempo Timor, observa iha komisiu AMP nian ne’ebé hala’o iha kampu futebol Likisa iha loron Sabádu, 20 Abril liubá katak, molok prezidente AMP, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, portavoz AMP, Taur Matan Ruak, no konseleiru AMP Naimori tama ba kampu laran, iha horas tuku 2 lorokraik derepente suspeitu MSG ho nia kareta koor kinur ida halai maka’as tama ba kampu laran no tenta atu sobu komisiu ne’e, maibé lakonsege, tanba militante no simpatizante AMP nian ka’er metin tiha, no la kleur de’it polisia mós to’o fatin akontesementu hodi ka’er suspeitu ne’e no sulan iha sela detensaun hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun tuir mai.

Liu tiha ida ne’e, polisia tranzitu mós lori kedas suspeitu nia kareta ba edifisiu polisia Likisa nian nu’udar sasan evidensia ida, no mosu informasaun barak katak iha sasan kroat mak nakonu iha kareta laran, maibé Segundu Komandante Polisia Likisa, Superintendente Asistente Eduardo Campos rejeita total informasaun ne’e, tanba rezultadu investigasaun hatudu kareta laran mamuk. Laiha sasan kroat seluk tan.

“Evidensia kareta mak ami tahan, maibé sasan sira seluk ne’ebé deskonfia sasan kroat iha laran ne’e laiha,” hatete komandante Campos via telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Sábadu (21/04).

“Situasaun ita kaptura nia, nia tentativa atu halo krime ita ka’er nia ita prosesa tuir lei. Suspeitu ne’e agora sei iha hela komando, tanba Segunda sei aprezenta ba iha Ministériu Públiku. Ita prepara hela atu lori nia ba Ministériu Públiku. Evidensia hotu iha ami nia office”.

“Tentativa ne’e nia tama ba lori kareta atu provoka situasaun, la’ós tentativa atu oho ema. Provoka situasaun, tanba nia la’ós militante partidu AMP nian, depois nia tama to’o ne’eba ba to’o palku nian ne’e intensaun saida?”.

Maske mosu tentativa ida ne’e, maibé komisiu AMP nian iha loron Sesta liubá la’o ho susesu to’o remata. (Oki)  


Rai Loos iha komisariu AMP iha Likisa, Sesta (20/04). Foto Media Center AMP 

LIKISA – Rai Loos hatete, Mari Alkatiri mak fahe kilat ba nia iha tinan 2006 hodi soran Timoroan sira atu oho malu.

Rai Loos konsidera rezultadu ukun hosi tinan 2002 mai to’o tinan 2006 atu haforsa ninia ukun liu hosi lalatak FRETILIN nian mak fahe kilat.

“Kilat ne’e buat ida sensitivu, maibé kamarada Mari fó ba ha’u. Kompara ho ita boot sira bele mate bandeira hun mós nia sei la fó buat ida ba imi,” hatete Rai Loos liu hosi komisiu partidu Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) iha Kampu Likisa, Sesta (20/04).

“Ha’u hakarak hatete ida ne’e, se kilat nia fó ba ha’u ohin ha’u husu osan mós nia fó, husu aviaun mós dalaruma nia bele fó mai ha’u, maibé ha’u hakarak hatete ba ita boot sira kilat ne’ebé iha tinan 2006 ha’u simu ho osan ne’e US $20 de’it. Imi labele hanoin katak ha’u simu osan barak,” esplika Rai Loos.

Tanba ne’e Rai Loos hatutan, atu ko’alia kona – bá FRETILIN nia mós jerasaun FRETILIN ida hahu kedas iha rezistensia ne’e. Tanba ne’e rezultadu 2006 ne’e pekadu primeiru. Pekadu segundu mak liu hosi kilat ne’e buka maneiras oinsá atu bele hafahe loromonu – lorosa’e. Ida ne’e mak kamarada Mari ninia obra. Obra ne’ebé mak nia tenta atu fahe Timoroan sira. Fahe tiha Timoroan rahun hodi depois ho ninia grupu tama atu fahe Timoroan sira ne’e sai ki’ik tiha.

Nia hatutan, FRETILIN nu’udar organizasaun ida ne’ebé halibur Timoroan tomak atu luta ba ukun rasik a’an, no FRETILIN iha tinan 2000 nian lahanesan ho FRETILIN iha tempu rezistensia nian.

“Kilat ne’ebé ha’u simu atu halo eliminasaun ba adversariu politika ne’ebé kontra Mari Alkatiri. Atravez kilat tinan 2006 ne’e hanesan forsa ida atu haforsa nafatin nia pozisaun hodi ka’er metin ukun iha Timor – Leste ne’e, buka atu fahe ita Timor – Leste ne’e rahun nafatin, no rahun ba bebeik”.

Rai Loos dehan, modelu ida ne’e mak nia (Alkatiri) tebe rai hodi gaba a’an katak FRETILIN sei ukun to’o tinan 50, maibé hanesan kurtina ida nia atu hatete katak, ukun tinan 50, maibé ninia implikasaun mak mina ne’ebé nia ba asina tiha tinan 50 ho Austrália.

“Nia ko’alia atu ukun tinan 50, maibé nia pinor mina Timor ne’e ba tinan 50”.

Rai Loos mós klarifika katak, antes ne’e Mari Alkatiri ko’alia iha media sira katak grupu Rai Loos oras ne’e sei subar hela kilat.

Ha’u hakarak hatete, se mak hakarak husu mai ha’u dehan sei subar kilat, tanba saida mak imi la husu se mak fahe kilat? Husu tok ba Mari katak nia fahe kilat hira ba Timoroan sira atu oho malu? Agora mai husu fali ida ha’u simu ne’e, lahatene nia fahe ba seluk ne’e, se tan? Husu ba nia kilat hira mak nia fahe. Ha’u nian entrega tiha ona iha misaun ONU nia oin,” esklarese Rai Loos.

Eis deputadu Piloto hatete, iha tempu ne’eba Mari Alkatiri mak responsabiliza ba politika defeza no seguransa iha tinan 2006.

Lei Organizka Forsas Armada iha artigu 11 katak nia mak responsavel maximu ba Forsa Defeza nian. Iha loron 23 Jullu 2007, Piloto ho nia maluk sira ba hasoru Mari Alkatiri hodi rezolve kestaun ne’e, maibé nia lahatene rezolve problema. Entaun tuir loloos nia tenke rezolve problema petisionariu sira tuir lei ne’e rasik, maibé nia konsidera sira ema hirak ne’e nu’udar ema a’at.

“Buka mak ses hosi problema. Ema ne’ebe esforsu maka’as hodi rezolve problema krize militar mak Taur Matan Ruak. Mari mak ka’er nafatin governu karik oras ne’e ita sei funu nafatin, han malu hela,” hatete Piloto.

Antes ne’e, Taur Matan Ruak fundamenta katak, difikuldades sira ne’ebé iha la’os kulpa Timoroan sira ne’e, maibé ema mak hakarak hafahe Timor-oan sira. Ne’eduni tenik Taur Matan Ruak, agora dadauk Timor-oan tenki matan moos ona ho buat sira ne’e hotu, no sei la fó ulun ba ema atu sama bei-beik ona.

“Ha’u uluk sei Jeneral, sira dehan ha’u mak fahe lorosa’e-loromonu, ha’u sai husi Jeneral, ha’u ba hatete ba prezidente katak, ha’u sai ha’u ba kandidata-an ba Prezidente, maibé Prezidente dehan, entaun problema 2006 no lorosa’e-loromonu. Ha’u dehan, Timor Laiha lorosa’e loromonu, se uluk Timor ne’e rua karik, Timor la ukun-an,” Taur Matan Ruak esplika.

Nia hatutan, eleisaun antisipada ne’e akontese tanba la’ós AMP nia sala, maibé sala FRETILIN nian.

“No FRETILIN la’ós agora mak foin sala. Sala bebeik tiha ona,” hatete Matan Ruak.

Nia hatutan, iha tinan 2002 FRETILIN mana ho kadeira 55 iha Parlamentu Nasionál.

“Ita sira ne’ebé ohin hamrik iha ne’e inklui ha’u ho Avo Nana ita vota hotu ba sira. Iha historia primeira vez eleisaun parlamentar FRETILIN hetan kadeira 55 iha 2002, maibé saida mak akontese? Iha tinan lima nia laran hari governu tolu; primeiru, segundu no terseiru governu. Dr. Mari nia mandatu monu iha dalan klaran. Timor atu nakfera. Ne’e gagal primeiru mak ida ne’e,” esplika Matan Ruak.

Entertantu, bainhira Tempo Timor konfirma assuntu hirak ne’e ba Mari Alkatiri, maibé la iha resposta. (Oki)



José Ramos Horta wearing FRETILIN Shirt for FRETILIN rally in Manatuto municipality, March 10th, 2018. Photo Supplied. 

DILI - The 1996 peace prize winner Jose Ramos Horta recently decided to return to FRETILIN party and start criticized his former chief of the resistance, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão. During the struggle Xanana decided to appoint Horta as his special envoy of CNRM in abroad. After the independence in 2006 Xanana appointed Horta to become the second prime minister of the country to replace Mari Alkatiri.

Moreover, in 2007 Xanana play a big role to bring Horta to be the president of republic of Timor - Leste.

Ramos Horta lose the election when he try to re-run for the second term of the presidency in 2012. He lost the election as he failed to get the support from Xanana. In that time Xanana supported Taur Matan Ruak to be the president of republic.   

How is Timor – Leste now. I mean, Timor – Leste now is moving well in the right direction?

On the political, democracy, rule of law, and human right dimension, I would say we are doing very very well. Even a conservative think – thank, like Freedom House in Washington said Timor – Leste is the number one functioning democracy in Southeast Asia. Our democracy is not perfect like most democracy is are not perfect. However we’ve make tremendous progress of the last 15, 17 years in consolidating our democratic culture and democratic institutions.  

The campaign have entered one week and no major conflicts have occurred. As a Nobel Peace Price laureate what is your role to ensure the process of this campaign until the upcoming election?  

Well, is not only as a nobel peace laureate could be as a former president, be as a citizen, each of us, everyone of us have the obligation to contribute towards keeping the debate, the political confrontation, rising the convince of civilize the event. And so far the campaign, the debate been very civilize. I don’t even mind when some in opposition make outlandish accusation, that’s normal. Look at the US presidential election two years ago. So it’s absolutely normal. And I was think all the other parties, Xanana Gusmão, Taur Matan Ruak, Mari Alkatiri, the young generation (Democratic Party), they all have been very good in influencing our people not to result to personal attacks, although it does not mean I am personal attack but peace for me important is no one is wounded, no one is killed because of some election. For me that is the main careful democracy.

How are your expecting the campaign to be conducted given the more polarized state of politics in Timor – Leste. Is there a significant risk of violence?

I do not anticipated fear any formal violence, but I can anticipate even more increasing vitriolic speeches but Mr. Xanana Gusmão in particular he is already over 70, look at him he is tired and this is his last for run, his last active involvement. He is a good man, he cares about the country, he wants the best for the country and maybe sometimes he feel very hard that not everyone supporting him. I am very people can say, I am very Westernize but I know the country well. I go all of the country, I build with the common people and many of the common people they support me because they know I don’t tough really play politic. But on the other hand been exposed to western democracy, but also our own values democracy I think that more then 10 years for a government of a leader be in office is not good, not good for democracy, not good for the leader himself or herself. The electorate get tired be you might turn out of the ideas, run out of credibility and I can see that Mr. Xanana was 15 years in the government. First as a president, and as prime – minister. It’s obvious that he’s tired, frustrated because people around him, the cabinet members they didn’t deliver and he pay the price last year in 2017, and he probably pay the price again because of the people around him. They didn’t deliver on his grand vision and the program. So most likely he will be gone politically speaking and even if he want to win, I almost guarantee Xanana Gusmão will not be the prime – minister because he left 2015 and the electorate watching this and that’s why there is so much support for FRETILIN as to change. So it’s time to FRETILIN and the a new party.

Do you fear undermining the credibility of your Nobel prize by taking sides in partisan politics?

Maybe that the argument that I hear but many other nobel laureate, Nelson Mandela he was a nobel laureate even more then me and the others, he was the president of ANC. He never left ANC and continue to support ANC then my good friend former president of Costa Rica in South America twice as a president. He is as a nobel peace price and he campaign for equality party. Barack Obama, leader of Democratic Party, president of United States (US) and many others like in Northern Ireland two leaders there David Trimble and John Hume and the we have Shimon Peres leader of the Israel labor party and others. I think that’s not issue but I think everybody would agree with me that at least in my public intervention again and again, I only show respect to uncle Xanana Gusmão, to Taur Matan Ruak, I tell people that don’t do personal attack and I don’t agree with Mr. Xanana Gusmão on a number of policies issue in therm of governance. I don’t agree. Like if I have been a prime – minister for 10 years I would be focus all this 10 years on quality education, on rural development and that means water and sanitations for the people, full security and this have been failure for the last 10 years. The study by the UN on our social economic indicator, particularly on malnutrition and the children growth extremely negative, I’d say total failure over the last 10 years. So I would have priority. For me the campaign has to be policies and the priorities. And Alkatiri, the FRETILIN would have a different priorities. Yes, we can not change everything there are good thing that Xanana did like infrastructure building. We have to continued but we have to be more modest the type of roads we build. So fundamentally, I believe that Alkatiri is a face strict manager. I’m very impress with the way he has learn to be economist, a manager, administrator and a leader. He is very restrict and that’s why sometimes Xanana does not like him. Xanana is too flexible, too spontaneous, improvise, make decision on the spot. Alkatiri he go by the law, and the rule and he is a very different leader. 

How can Timor – Leste improve the living standards of its people; is the focus on big ticket economic developments the right approach or should there be more attention to improving basics such as access to clean water?

The next 10 years this government and whoever come after five years maybe this one again will have 10 years from the government program I know it will be focus on rural development. Rural development in every aspect of A to Z. Rural roads, not high ways. Rural roads to make easy access for education, for students, for health care, people to move from their villages to schools and electricity is very important but is not a main great electricity can be solar panels and absolutely vital, the clean water. So all of this part of the rural development. We have to improve education system. It has been many 10 years of really disaster. For instance, if I were make decision this past 10 years I would have invest a lot in vocational training. Copying model the Australian vocation schools call TAFE were young people by basic electricity, car mechanic to able to fix a car, fix motorbike, the bicycle, air conditioner, refrigerator, builder, a carpenter and all of this. But if we do not have enough job, too many young people with a certificate in profile vocational skills they can easy to get a job in Australia or in Korea make thousands of dollars a month. You will better paid with a vocational certificate in electricity, plumbing and if you show up with your PhD in a humanities. So it has very wrong from the start to the independence. I hope the next government can change that and I have discussed with Australia, with South Korea and Japan how to expand their support for vocational school in Timor – Leste.  

What’s your assessment of Timor – Leste’s progress since independence?

We have made a tremendous progress. Consolidating democracy, real culture democracy of tolerance, on the security side. Timor – Leste is most peaceful even common criminality is very low. We don’t have organized crime. Timorese are not involve in organized crime like money laundry, trafficking, people smuggling or sex slavery, Timorese are not involve in that. We do have it some attempts that using Timor – Leste for money laundry but this by foreigners. On the economic front we have unable the last 17 years to change from dependency on oil and gas revenues and exports to more diversify economy. In the diversification economy I would say at least two for the timing realistic. One is agriculture so that we guarantee food security the other is tourism. On both agriculture slash security and tourism the last 10 years we have done. Timor – Leste can not leave as and industry country or a manufactory country but we could be have a service economy so that we adopt trade port people, we have a proper legislation and open up Timor – Leste for financial services like Dubai, like Singapore not we are going to be like them, I am not saying, I just . . . incentive to attract main insurance companies and others to establish their offices in Timor – Leste even at all short of facilities because Timorese are very good in administration. I have observe for the last 10, 15 years. By watching, for instance our finance minister 10 years ago a lot of foreigners are working there now almost 100% Timorese. Our petroleum fund investment is almost 100% Timorese managing. So we need more trading and to set up a financial center in taking stage 20 years but I think we can do that and the first like manufactory or Timor – Leste be a mass trading center. Look Singapore, Singapore doesn’t produce much. Singapore is a big financial center and particularly import – export hub. So you build port then encouraging shipping to come to Timor – Leste, you build ware houses and then from here re – export even to Indonesia, re – export to Australia. 

Is Timor – Leste at a stage when it needs to move pass the independence hero stable of leaders and transition to a new generation?

Well, as you know in the government last 10 years more young leaders in the government and the Mr. Xanana like Dionisio Babo, Rui Hanjam and so many. In FRETILIN as a same. Look at the current government maybe the only three belong to the older generation. Alkatiri, myself and maybe Estanislau Aleixo da Silva. The next five years our responsibility is to consolidate for the democracy, rule of law, improve governance, absolutely security inter – equality for the people and then 2023 are you believe Mr. Alkatiri, myself, we will be side line. Maybe how to build the new government if that’s all they want but on mater we hand over to them in 2013 the country full democratic, democracy still . . ., absolutely peaceful, so save and with a sound economy. 

What political leadership ambitions do you have?

No, I don’t have any . . . you know as you I am not even on the party list. I was there because I believe I have to help Alkatiri, to help FRETILIN but I also help Democratic Party because if you look at all political parties in Timor only FRETILIN and Democratic Party we say have roots, they solid structures. Look at the democratic party, Mr. La Sama died the party continue strong. Alkatiri can leave today there are many people in FRETILIN will take over. That’s what guarantee governance stability, democracy in the country. CNRT party, if Mr. Xanana want to leave today, CNRT would disassemble completely and PLP even worse. They have even less educated experience committed people then CNRT. Something happen Mr. Taur Matan Ruak decided with PLP for . . . So that’s only I support Democratic Party and FRETILIN. And I believe these two parties are crucial for democracy in Timor – Leste. 

What does this election means for you personally and to Timor – Leste?

As a person if it goes peacefuly and I believe it will then as a political person as one of the leader of the country I’m very happy because again we show the maturity Timor – Leste democracy. So that both are personal sentiment and the political sentiment. If Mr. Xanana win, very few people believe he can win . . . all the observers, foreign diplomats, the churches, everybody tell me very difficult for CNRT to win. And the FRETILIN will win but even if he win I will be the first to congratulate and wish him to success and he will deserve, he will need all the support he can. I will not be part of it as I was not part of any . . . the government over past 10 years but as a human being, as a Timorese I have to pray and wish that he does a good government. 

What is your possition on the Greater Sunrise issue? Are you supporting the government possition to bring the pipeline to Timor – Leste?

Having resolve the maritime boundary next we have to find the most treaties comercially, financially, and technical viable option to develop Greater Sunrise. All we know that Mr. Xanana Gusmão has been insisting, advocating, bringing pipeline for Greater Sunrise to Timor – Leste. I can speak only as a government . . . and Alkatiri as a prime – minister he also said he want to see the pipeline coming to Timor – Leste but that’s our view and the pipeline is not to take political decision to be blame by Timor – Leste government and Australian government. It’s involve many oil and gas companies and involve billion of dollars that belong to the oil and gas companies. So and then these oil and gas companies they will make decision only on the basis of how economically, financially viable not at the political reason. We want the pipeline come to Timor – Leste. So we all support that the pipeline may come to Timor – Leste but I don’t have any documentation because Mr. Xanana Gusmão never provided to us with comprehensive report, studies that it was conducted paid for by Timor – Leste government money. To make that understand, the reason why he so much insist on the pipe line to come to Timor – Leste. We support but to be better if we have . . . we lead all the studies done by all the his consulted that the government have done. As a hire, paid for so that we can better . . . Mr. Xanana is said he is not doing any report because he . . . that was everybody want to feel because he was the chief negotiator and the State negotiate with the State, government negotiate with government and the oil companies negotiating with Timor – Leste because they tough Mr. Xanana was the official chief negotiator and not a freelancer but he said basically he is not. So who is represented the State? Anywhere in the world is represented by the elected people, represent by the president of republic and his . . . 

Regarding to your accusation which posted on the Facebook seems like some people are disrespecting you now but before people very respect you a lot. What is your comment or why it’s happen like that?

Well uncle if you look at my Facebook you will see I don’t make personal criticize, personal attack. I do criticize time to time about fair policy and then if you look at my Facebook in the past many years I every time there was some strong, very strong attack on the government by some journalists from outside or some academics I always try to defend but also even before of this election I always critical of properly education system, in the health system before a few years ago. I was only very critical of corruption. That’s nothing new I just saying that just because now I’m saying again? Well, have I lost credibility with them? That’s fine, okay I accept I lost credibility but you know if you look at my Facebook you know I try . . . sometimes you know I try to be funny and sometimes I . . . but I never make any strong unfair criticize of Avo Nana. No I’m consider him as our grand father and the most fair thing we can do to Avo Nana, to grandpa Nana is that on 12 May 2018 he retired to preserve his house and be the senior adviser of the State to the government. I care about him but you know he is out because I only tell him you know every time I travel in somewhere and the ambassador said ooohhh Mr. Xanana is here you want to say something to him? I said just tell him stop smoking, stop drinking too much coffee, don’t work to hard and do exercise because we want to see him live in healthy and long. So if he looses the election and everything make him loose the election do the blessing because he will stay happy and healthy. Thank you very much. (Oki)    



 JAKARTA – International Finance Corporation (IFC), hanesan organizasaun feton husi Banko Mundial, no membru husi Grupo Banko Mundial nian, ohin fo anunsiu kona ba planu atu servisu hamutuk ho Kaebauk Investimentu no Finansas (KIF), hanesan Institusaun finanseira laos-banko (non-bank) dahuluk iha Timor-Leste, hodi hahu ka sai hanesa pioneira ba servisu mobile banking iha Timor-Leste, ho objetivo atu kobre Timor oan nain 50,000 resin.

Porsentu 70 resin husi populasaun Timor-Leste hela iha area rurais, ne’ebe barak seidauk hetan asesu ba servisu finanseira baziku hanesan rai osan (saving), haruka, ou foti osan. IFC hanesan institusaun ida nee’be pioneira oportunidade ba servisu mobile banking iha merkadu emergentes iha mundu, agora dau-daun servisu hamutuk ho KIF atu hadi’ak asesu finanseira ba Timor oan sira ne’ebe laiha iha konta bankaria, atu nune’e bele ajuda aselera dezenvolvementu iha nasaun ida ne’e, iha Sudeste Asiatico.

Servisu hamutuk ida ne’e bele fo posibilidade ba KIF atu lansa operasaun ba servisu mobile nian no mos operasaun ba area ne’ebe laiha filialbanko nian iha ne’eba (branchless). KIF mos bele lansa konhesimentu ba “Kaebauk Osan”. “Kaebauk Osan” hanesan produto bankaria rai osan nian (saving) ho intensaun atu fornese servisu finanseira ba populasaun mukit sira iha area rurais no urbanas. Produto bankária ida ne’e sei fo atensaun liu ba feto sira no mos ba agroindustria Timor-Leste nian ne’ebe komesa desenvolve liu husi oportunidade finanseiru ba to’os nain 10,000 iha areal rurais.

Azam Khan, IFC nia Country Manager ba Indonesia, Malaysia no Timor-Leste hateten katak, “Liu husi apoi ba desenvolvementu servisu mobile banking no produtu agroindustria ne’ebe maka favorabel ba feto sira (women-friendly agribusiness), Timor-Leste bele hadi’ak nia diversifikasaun economia.” Azam mos hatutan tan katak, “Timor-Leste nia populasaun barak liu mak sei joven, porsentu 50 resin husi populasaun Timor-Leste nian ho idade 20 mai kra’ik – sira barak maka sei tama ba merkado servisu nian iha tinan hirak tuir mai. Projeitu ida ne’e oferese dalan ba Timor oan sira atu jere osan ho diak no bele sai mos hanesan odamatan ba servisu finanseiru seluk, ne’ebe ikus mai bele ajuda dezenvolve crescimentu economia iha rai ida ne’e.”

Populasaun besik porsentu 65 maka envolve iha agrikultura, no agrikultura sai hanesan fonte ida ne’ebe iha area rurais.

Angelo Soares, CEO KIF hateten katak, “KIF iha compromisso atu aselera inclusaun finanseira (financial inclusion) iha area remotas iha teritorio tomak hodi promove servisu lor-loron nian.” Sr. Angelo mos hatutan katak, “ami hatene populasaun iha area rurais hakarak hetan assesu ba produtu bankária rai osan nian no sira mos hakarak hetan asesu ho fasil ba servisu finanseiroc iha sira nia area.”

KIF lansa iha tinan 2001 atu fornese produtu finanseiro ba populasaun mukit sira iha area rurais no urbana, hodi nune bele hadi’ak sira nia kualidade moris no mos hodi haforsa feto sira. KIF hala’o operasaun iha filial (branches) besik 20 iha teritorio Timor-Leste tomak Numeru cliente creditu KIF nian hamutuk 12,462 ho portfolio ba creditu ida ne’ebe boot, hamutuk tokon15 dolar amerikano.

IFC-hanesan organizasaun feton husi Banko Mundial no membru husi Grupo Banko Mundial nian–sai hanesan instituisaun dezenvolvimentu global ida ne’ebe boot liu, ne’ebe konsentra iha setor privado iha merkado emergentes sira. Ami servisu hamutuk ho empresa 2,000 resin iha mundu tomak. Ami utiliza ami nia capital, peritu, no ami nia influensia hodi kria merkado no oportunidade iha area sira ne’ebe difisil iha mundu. Iha Tinan Fiskal (TF) 2017, ami envia finansiamentu ba tempo naruk ida ne’ebe historiku ho montante osan billiaun 19.3 dolar amerikano ba nasaun dezenvolvimento sira., Ami utiliza poder setor privado nian hodi aselera prosesu hamenus pobreza/mukit no fahe prosperidade. Ba informasaun kle’an liu tan, visita www.ifc.org. 


KIF hahu nia servisu hanesan institusaun microfinancas konhesidu ho naran Tuba Rai Metin (TRM) iha tinan 2002, iha tempo restorasaun independensia. Iha tinan 2006-2007, iha tempo konfliktu civil nian, TRM konsege ultrapasa situasaun susar iha tempo difisil ida ne’e. Iha tinan 2016, TRM hetan lisensa ba ODTI dahuluk no tranforma ba KIF. Prosesu transformasaun KIF nian ne’e, hetan suporta husi IFC no UNCDF. Iha fulan Dezembru tinan 2017, KIF iha ona filial (branches) 20 iha teritorio Timor-Leste tomak ho funsionario hamutuk ema 277 no cliente hamutuk ema 12,462 (78% feto no 84% iha area rurais); ho capital tokon 3.5 dolar Amerikanu, portfolio creditu hamutuk tokon 15 dolar Amerikanu. KIF iha ona compromisso atu uamenta nia pontu/area/fatin asesu to’o 200 resin no atu serve cliente to’o 50,000 resin iha tinan 2020, liu husi operasaun bankária ne’ebe la liu husi filial KIF nian (ou konhesidu mos ho termus servisu mobile mobile banking). (pr)  


Eis Xefe Gabinete vise Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun atual Vogal 2 APORTIL, Vitor Maia nia Kareta Estadu marka Rava Toyota koor Silver ho numeru matrikula 05.000 G TL oras ne'e para hela iha ofisina ida iha Dili laran. Foto Supplied. 

DILI – Kareta Estadu ida ho Númeru matriku 05.000 G hetan soke iha aldeia Taubauk, Suku Fatuborok, postu administrative Maubara, munisipiu Likisa iha fulan Agostu tinan 2016, oras ne’e abandonadu hela iha ofisina ida iha Dili laran, maibé bazeia ba desijaun Tribunal nian katak Tribunal desidi ona Vitor Maia hodi sosa kareta foun de'it. 

Bazeia ba informasaun balun ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu katak, kareta ne’e uluk eis xefe gabinete Vise Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun, Vitor Maia mak utiliza, hodi ikus mai hetan dezastre asidente trafiku iha loron Sabadu ida iha tinan 2016. 

Vitor Maia oras ne’e sai nu’udar Master of Ceremony (MC) ba atividade kampaña partidu FRETILIN nian iha rai laran. No desde kampaña abertura partidu FRETILIN iha Manatuto foin lalais, Vitor ko’alia maka’as tebes kona – bá governasaun tinan 10 ne’ebé koruptu.

“Maibé nia rasik kuaje tinan tolu ona to’o oras ne’e seidauk bele hadia kareta Estadu ne’ebé nia estraga iha Agostu tinan 2016,” hatete funsionáriu MOPTK ida.  

Entretantu, antes ne’e komandante Polisia Tranzitu munisipiu Likisa, Asistente Inspetor Trindade M. da Silva hatete, kona – ba kazu asitdente trafiku ne’ebe akontese iha Aldeia Taubauk, Suku Fatuborok, postu administrativu Maubara munisipiu Liquica iha loron Sabadu ida iha fulan Agostu 2016 iha horas tuku 7 kalan.

Eis Xefe Gabinete vise Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun atual Vogal 2 APORTIL, Vitor Maia nia Kareta Estadu marka Rava Toyota koor Silver ho numeru matrikula 05.000 G TL oras ne'e para hela iha ofisina ida iha Dili laran. Foto Supplied. 

Komandante Trindade esplika kronolojia akontesementu ne’e katak, kareta mikrolet nian husi diresaun Liquica ba Loes no kareta Estadu nian husi direisaun Maliana nian ba Liquica. Bainhira mai to’o iha Aldeia Taubauk, Suku Fatuborok mak akontese asidente ne’e hodi rezulta ema nain rua (2) iha Mikrolet laran kanek todan no kareta mikrolet nia roda parte liman loos nian sai kleuk tiha no tohar. Kareta Estadu nian ho numeru matrikula 05.000 G mak roda oin husi parte liman loos nian mak estragus hodi la’o di’ak no kareta nia oin mos rahun. Nia prosesu ne’e, iha tempu ne’eba entre parte husi kareta Estadu no mikrolet ba hotu iha edifisiu polisia tranzitu Liquica kareta ida ne’ebe lori kareta Estadu ne’e mak sei hadia mirkoleta ne’e.

 “Maibe kareta mikroleta ne’e hadia tiha ona iha bengkel (ofisina), nain foti tiha ona, nain mak selu rasik no kareta Estadu to’o ohin loron nunka atu mai foti. Iha Novembru nia laran mak lojistika MOPTK nian foin mak mai hare kareta Estadu ne’e no promete katak sei mai foti kareta Estadu ne’e iha tempu badak,” Komandante Polisia Tranzitu munisipiu Likisa, Asistente Inspetor Trindade M. da Silva hatete.


Eis Xefe Gabinete vise Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun atual Vogal 2 APORTIL, Vitor Maia nia Kareta Estadu marka Rava Toyota koor Silver ho numeru matrikula 05.000 G TL oras ne'e para hela iha ofisina ida iha Dili laran. Foto Supplied. 

“Hare ba kronolojia ne’ebe ami foti iha fatin akontesementu hatudu katak kareta Estadu ne’e mak sala, tanba okupa tiha kareta mikroleta nia dalan. Ami mos simu informasaun katak diretor Vitor Maia ba Maliana mos nia superior lahatene ida. Akordu kona – ba atu hadia kareta ne’e ami iha nomos kronolojia ba fatin akontesementu ne’e mos ami iha,” esplika komandante Trindade.

Nune’e mos Diretor Nasional Lojistika MOPTK, Januario Alves de Sousa Ribeiro antes ne’e katak, parte lojistika MOPTK nian ba identifika kareta ne’e iha polisia tranzitu Likisa iha Novembru nia laran, maibé prosesu atu halo manutensaun ne’e la’os MOPTK, maibé Autoriedade Portuariu Timor – Leste (APORTIL) mak tenke hadia, tanba kareta ne’e maske rejistadu nu’udar patrimoniu MOPTK nian, maibe entrega ba APORTIL mak uja hafoin APORTIL ne’e nakfilak a’an ba instituisaun autonoma ida iha fulan hirak ba kotuk. 

“Kareta ne’e ami entrega tiha ona ba vogal 2 senhor Vitor Maia iha APORTIL nian. Parese polisia halo ona prosesu investigasaun. Ami koordena ona ho APORTIL mak atu ba dada kareta ne’e, maibé sira dehan osan seidauk iha hodi halo manutensaun ba kareta ne’e,” hatete diretor Januario.

Kareta ne'e uluk para iha edifisiu polisia munisipiu Likisa. 

“Ami ba identifika de’it. Kareta Rava koor Silver ne’e rejistadu iha patrominiu vise ministru nian. Ami entrega ba sira, kuandu a’at ruma sira (APORTIL) mak tenke responsabiliza. Atu hadia ka ladia ne’e APORTIL nia responsabilidade, tanba kareta ne’e entrega tiha ona ba sira ofisialmente,” nia hatete.

“Tuir informasaun ne’ebe ami hetan katak, iha tempu ne’eba nia la’os hala’o serbisu Estadu nian mak hetan soke, maibe hala’o atividade privadu mak hodi hetan dezastre ne’e. Ami simu informasaun katak nia ba iha Likisa iha Sabadu ida iha fulan Agostu liuba”. 

Entretantu, antes ne’e Vitor Maia esplika katak kareta mikrolet mak soke nia, no iha tempu ne’eba nia hala’o hela serbisu Estadu nian iha portu Mahatam, Oe – Kusi Ambeno, maibé nia maluk ida ne’ebé sira nain rua hamutuk iha kareta laran konfesa katak iha tempu ne’eba sir aba partisipa festa familia ida iha Bobonaro (Maliana). 

Maibé, tuir informasaun ikus ne'ebé Tempo Timor asesu katak Tibunal desidi ona Vitor Maia hodi selu kotu de'it kareta ne'e. (Oki)  



DILI – Diretora ezekutivu Konsellu Imprensa (KI), Ana "Shandy" Sequeira hatete, governu atual halo diskriminasaun ba jornalista sira ne’ebé hala’o serbisu iha media públiku no privadu sira, tanba realidade hatudu katak, governu permite de’it jornalista sira iha media públiku mak iha direitu atu vota iha fatin ne’ebé de’it, maibé jornalista sira hosi media privadu sira tenke ba vota tuir jeografia resensiamentu eleitoral.

Nia hatutan, iha fatin barak politika nain sira, liliu governante sira sempre deklara katak, papel media ne'e importante tebes, maibé iha prátika governu la fó atensaun.

“Tanba realidade hatudu katak governu fó prioriedade liubá jornalista balun hodi livre vota iha fatin ne’ebé de'it, maibé jornalista balun la’e,” nia hato’o preokupasaun ne’e iha semináriu nasionál ho tempa Papel Media Iha Prosesu Eleisaun Timor – Leste ne’ebé organiza hosi Timor – Leste Press Union (TLPU) iha Sentru Kultural Indonézia, Merkadu Lama, Dili, Segunda (09/04).

Hatan kona – bá kestaun ne’e, Sekretadu Estadu Konsellu Ministrus no Komunikasaun Sosial, Matias Boavida katak, nia simu duni karta ida hosi Konsellu Imprensa atu oinsá bele trata assuntu ne’e, no primeiru – ministru mós hatun kedas despaisu ida ba ministériu administrasaun estatal hodi ko’alia ho Komisaun Nasionál ba Eeleisaun (KNE) no Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) ba assuntu ne’e rasik.

“Maibé, governu labele halo buat ida, tanba ho impasse politika ne’ebé iha,” justifika Boavida.

Iha fatin hanesan, Inspetor Jeral KNE, Olavio da Costa hatete, antes ne’e KNE iha kompetensia atu halo regulamentu sira kona – ba eleisaun nian, maibé oras ne’e governu mak responsabiliza hotu.

“Eleisaun uluk liuba KNE iha kompetensia, maibé foin lalais iha tinan 2017, governu foti tiha. Governu mak halo hotu ona,” esplika Olavio.

“Ami nia kompetensia ba ida ne’e la iha tiha ona. KNE nunka involve iha prosesu regulamentu sira, ami la’ós atu fase liman, maibé ida ne’e mak realidade,” nia justifika.

Entretantu, reprezentante STAE hatete katak, lei regula de’it funsionariu públiku sira ne’ebeé hala’o serbisu iha loron eleisaun hodi livre vota iha fatin ne’ebé de’it.

“Tanba lei asesgura de’it funsionariu publiku”.   


 Estrutura PLP Bahu partisipa iha konsolidasaun AMP nian iha suku Bahu, Baukau, Sabadu (07/04). 

BAHU – Terseiru koordenador Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) munisipiu Baukau, Aderito Domin hatene, iha fulan hirak liuba estrutura balun hosi partidu FRETILIN fahe osan hamutuk U$500 ba koordenador PLP suku Trilolo Caisido Baukau, maibé depois uja hikas osan ne’e ba atividade AMP nian.

“Ha’u apresia tebes ba ita nia alin Alippi nu’udar koordenador PLP Trilolo Caisido nian antes ne’e ba tuir konsolidasaun partidu FRETILIN nian, no FRETILIN mós fó tiha osan hamutuk U$500, maibé depois nia uja fali osan sira ne’e ba organiza atividade AMP nian,” hatete Aderito Domin liuhosi nia diskursu iha konsolidasaun AMP nian iha suku Bahu, Baukau, Sabadu (07/04).

Nia hatutan, durante ne’e mós ekipa partidu FREITLIN nian tama – sai uma sira iha Baukau, no promete katak, partidu FRETILIN sei hadia povu sira nia uma, fahe osan no seluk tan.

“Partidu FRETILIN mai promete katak atu hadia povu nia uma no fahe osan, maibé sira atu foti osan hosi ne’ebé atu fahe no hadia povu nia uma,” kestiona Aderito.

Aderito rejeita propaganda partidu FRETILIN katak koordenador PLP suku Buruma inklui xefe suku hamutuk ho nia povu sira deklara afilia ona ba partidu FRETILIN.

“Ne’e propaganda bosok, no realidade sira mak ohin mai hamrik iha oin ne’e,” justifika Aderito.

Iha konsolidasaun ne’e mós, Aderito bolu Alippi ne’ebé simu osan hosi partidu FRETILIN hamutuk ho nia estrutura tomak ba hamrik iha oin nu’udar asaun rejeisaun katak estrutura PLP nian iha suku bahu metin hela.

“PLP manan iha suku Bahu iha eleisaun jeral 2017. Tanba ne’e saida mak partidu FRETILIN halo propaganda kona – bá afiliasaun ne’e bosok,” esplika Aderito.

Militante FRETILIN Nain 57 Afilia ba AMP

Iha konsolidasaun ne’e mós rezulta militante FRETILIN hamutuk ema nain 57 desidi afilia ba partidu AMP. Militante nain 57 mai hosi suku Wailili hamutuk militante nain 36, no hamutuk nain 21 hosi suku Buibau.

Kamarada Cesario deklara afilia ba AMP, tanba uluk Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hamutuk ho Taur Matan Ruak mak hamutuk hodi liberta rai ida ne’e.

“Agora hamutuk ho AMP dala ida tan hodi liberta povu hosi kiak no mukit,” nia hatete.

Entretantu, Koordenador PLP Baukau, Marcal Buka Tuir agradesde tebes ba afiliante sira hosi partidu FRETILIN ba partidu AMP nian.

“Maibé, ha’u alerta nafatin ba joven sira atu kontinua mantein promove paz no estabilidade hodi labele hamosu instabilidade,” sujere Buka Tuir.

Tempo Timor tenta halo konfirmasaun ba Sekretariu Jeral partidu FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri kona – bá kestaun ne’e, maibé Alkatiri laiha resposta. (Oki)



Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão tara tais ba Taur Matan Ruak bainhira hala'o konsolidasaun iha Bairo Pite, Dili, Domingo (08/04). 

BEKORA – Prezidente Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hatete, Estadu Direitu Demokrátiku iha Timor – Leste kompostu hosi airin ha’at, maibé ain sorin "malahuk ona", no governu mós la’o "ain kleuk ona".

Xanana hatutan, prosesu politika agora determinante tebes, tanba ne’e nia husu ba militante no simpatizante AMP nian tomak tenke partisipasa iha loron eleisaun ne’ebé sei akontese iha loron 12 Maio 2018 hodi bele hametin Estadu.

“Parlamentu Nasioná agora libur (feriadu). Ita atu ba konsulta lei ruma, seguransa sira taka metin odamatan. Estadu agora nia ain sorin lahuk tiha ona. Ai – rin ida seluk kleuk a’at liu mak mak governu. Governu agora la halo buat ida,” hatete Xanana liuhosi nia diskursu iha konsolidasaun AMP iha Terminal Bekora, Dili, Domingo (8/04).

“Governu agora fulan 8 de’it uja no sa’e kareta Estadu ba halo fali kampaña no trata de’it AMP,” hatutan Xanana.

Tanba ne’e, Xanana husu ba militante no simpatizante AMP nian tenke vota ba AMP iha númeru 8 hodi hametin Estadu, atu nune’e bele halo dezenvolvimentu di’ak liutan ba povu.

Iha fatin hanesan, porta voz AMP atual prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Taur Matan Ruak hatete, durante ne’e ema sempre dehan AMP mak sala hela de’it.

“AMP la sala ida. FRETILIN mak sala, no sala hela de’it,” hatete Matan Ruak.

“Apa ba hamoos to’o ta’a kanek nia liman, depois dehan Ama mak sala fali. Ne’e laloos ida,” hatutan Matan Ruak.

Entretantu, Xanana haforsa tan Matan Ruak katak, partidu CNRT foin moris iha tinan 2007, PLP no KHUNTO foin moris iha tinan 2017. Tanba ne’e, Xanana afirma situasaun impase politika ne’ebé akontese iha rai laran, la’ós AMP nia kulpa, tanba partidu tolu ne’e sira la halo konstituisaun.

“FRETILIN mak halo konstituisaun. Regra konstituisaun hatete momoos katak minoria tenke hakruk ba maioria,” haforsa Xanana.

Entretantu, durante ne’e parte partidu FRETILIN sempre deklara ba públiku katak, situasaun politika ne’ebé akontese iha rai laran, tanba AMP nia hahalok. No Ministru Defeza no Seguransa, Agustinho Sequeira “Somotxo” antes ne’e mós hatete, kuandu problema ruma mosu iha rai laran, nia husu ba PNTL no F – FDTL labele sai, no husu ba deputadu opozisaun hamutuk nain 35 mak rezolve, maibé deklarasaun ne’e hetan kedas intervensaun hosi komandante jeral PNTL, Komisariu Julio Hornai katak, polisia sei atual kualker problema bainhira mosu iha rai laran.

La’ós ne’e de’it, primeiru – ministru, Mari Alkatiri mós konsidera asaun bloku opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasionál nu’udar golpista bainhira rejeita nia programa no orsamentu rektifikativu iha tinan kotuk (Oki) 



Vise prezidente Komisariu Politika Nasional PLP, Guntur. 

LAMEGUA – Partidu Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) ne’ebé kompostu hosi partidu tolu, partidu CNRT, PLP, no KHUNTO kontinua hametin (konsolida) a’an iha baze, liliu iha suku Bahu, Baukau.

Konsolidasaun ne’ebé hala’o iha loron Sabadu, 7 Abril 2018, marka prezensa hosi koordenador AMP nian, no iha tempu hanesan mós ko’a vita ba sede suku Lamegua nian. Liu tiha ida ne’e, estrutura hamutuk ho militante no simpatizante AMP nian hakat fali ba sede AMP nian hodi hahu sira nia atividade konsolidasaun nian.

Koordenador mazimu partidu KHUNTO munisipiu Baukau, Angelo Angelito Freitas Correia katak iha tinan 2017 ema so’e tiha Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no Taur Matan Ruak ba kotuk.

“Ita nia aman nain rua ema so’e tiha ba kotuk. Nu’udar oan ami hare sira iha kotuk. Nune’e ami hare sira iha kotuk, ami fila ba kotuk foti no tane sira nain rua hodi sira nain rua bele tane Timor – Leste ba iha komunidade internasional,” hatete koodernador KHUNTO Baukau, Angelo liuhosi nia diskursu iha konsolidasaun AMP nian iha postu administrativu Baukau villa, Suku Bahu, Aldeia Lamegua, Sabadu (07/04).

Koordenador Angelo kontinua husu ba juventude sira atu kontinua hametin paz no estabilidade iha Baukau hodi labele kria instabilidade.

Estrutura partidu KHUNTO nian katak, militante no simpatizante tomak fó apoiu ba AMP hodi tane Xanana Gusmão no Taur Matan Ruak iha Timor – Leste no iha mundu internasional.

Vise Prezidente CNRT Baukau, Iku Lay hatete, hahu uluk manas atu luta hasoru invazaun Indonézia. Ohin ita hamanas tan dala ida atu fó vitoria ba AMP iha eleisaun antisipada ne’ebé sei akontese iha loron 12 Maio 2018.

“Lalika dúvida atu vota AMP, tanba imposivel Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Taur Matan Ruak, no Naimori atu lori nasaun ne’e ba rai kuak,” nia hatete.

Vise prezidente Komisariu Politika Nasional PLP, Guntur husu ba militante no simpatizante sira atu vota ba ema sira ne’ebé durante tinan barak moris hamutuk ho povu, no terus hamutuk ho povu.




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