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Tempo Timor

Tempo Timor

Ho hakraik an Tempo Timor hato'o komprimentus ba laitor sira katak, Jornal Tempo Timor hahu mosu iha imi le'et atu fasilita informasaun ba imi. Tamba ne'e ami presiza ita boot sira nia tulun atu ekipa jornal ne'e nian bele halao servisu jornalismu ho didiak.

Jornalista Jornal Tempo Timor, bandu atu hetan envelope ka sasan ruma husi fontes informasaun sira.

 Why health coverage for all is public health priority number one

The promise of universal health coverage (UHC) is bold: that all people can access quality health services, when and where they need them, without suffering financial hardship.

UHC’s benefits are clear. UHC is central to improving health and well-being – a fundamental human right. Healthier populations in turn create more productive economies that raise living standards. UHC also strengthens health security by making it easier to contain the spread of infectious disease and respond effectively to natural disasters. UHC’s potential to promote better health, enhance equity and fortify health security can – and must – be fully harnessed.

Importantly, UHC is feasible: Whether a country is rich or poor, progress is possible. Some countries, including in the WHO South-East Asia Region, have already made significant advances. They began doing so when they were ‘low-income’. That is a critical point: No-one starts from zero; there are always opportunities to move ahead.

Since 2014 WHO South-East Asia has worked to leverage those opportunities, identifying UHC as a Flagship Priority, and – in consultation with Member countries – mapping-out and implementing a series of game-changing initiatives.

That includes increasing the availability and performance of health workers and ensuring their knowledge and skills are fit-for-purpose for today’s (and tomorrow’s) health needs. It also includes attracting health workers to rural and hard-to-reach areas and retaining them once there. Adapting frontline services to meet the needs of the Region’s ageing populations, as well as the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and heart disease, has likewise been a crucial point of focus. That can be well understood: Apart from the Region-wide shift to increasingly sedentary lifestyles, by 2020 more of the Region’s population will be over 60 than under-5.

Increasing access to essential medicines has been similarly fundamental. Innovative mechanisms such as the South-East Asia Regulatory Network, which pools the Region’s regulatory resources, will go a long way to helping make safe, good quality medicines and medical products accessible to all. So too will present efforts to encourage greater price transparency via a multi-country information-sharing platform. A Region-wide initiative to pool the procurement of medicines, beginning with antidotes, will meanwhile benefit its smaller countries by increasing their bargaining power.

In each of these areas and more, progress has been made. According to the latest data, in the last eight years health services coverage has improved in all of the Region’s 11 Member countries. That is to be celebrated.

But Region-wide challenges remain immense. Around half of the South-East Asia Region’s population still lacks full coverage of essential health services. Some 65 million are pushed into extreme poverty, mainly due to paying out-of-pocket for medicines, especially for NCDs and other common ailments.      

Given the Region’s sustained economic growth, accelerated progress is both possible and necessary. Though action across sectors is essential to enhance health coverage, priority health programmes clearly play a major role. But to make health services truly universal they must be designed around and for people, rather than around diseases or institutions. Doing so will have immediate and lasting impact.

Accordingly, increased public spending on health is crucial. Increased public spending not only makes additional resources available – from more staff to basic tools and technologies – but can also help reduce household out-of-pocket spending, thereby increasing financial protection. In recent years, many of the Region’s countries have increased the amount they spend on health. This should also increase the affordability of (and therefore access to) health services, while decreasing the number of people being left behind.

But more public funding is not enough: Greater value for money is imperative. That means developing and implementing long-term strategies that define what services are required, who will deliver them, and designing payment mechanisms that maximize efficiency and equity. Sound complex? Basically, it means organizing health systems in ways that offer the right services to the people who need them.  

Finally, monitoring matters. Monitoring helps us understand who is being left behind and why. It helps us learn what is working and what is not, allowing us to make course corrections where needed. It is to the Region’s immense credit that in 2017 eight Member countries completed voluntary national reviews of progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), including on health. In the same year, Member countries unanimously agreed to review progress on UHC and SDG3 (the health-specific goal) at WHO South-East Asia’s annual Regional Committee until 2030. That will prove critical to gauging progress and maintaining momentum.

To that end, the wind is at our back. The leadership and vision of WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – whose top priority is securing health coverage for all – is driving global support for what WHO South-East Asia and its Member countries are striving to achieve: to honor a promise that is bold yet simple, and that will change the lives of millions of people across the Region and beyond – health coverage that is universal; health coverage that is for everyone, everywhere and leaves no one behind. (pr)    



Tansa kobertura saúde ba ema hotu mak hanesan prioridade primeiru iha saúde públiku

Promesa ba kobertura saúde universál (UHC) mak forte: katak ema hotu bele hetan asesu ba servisu saúde ne’ebé kualidade wainhira no iha ne’ebé sira presiza, sein hetan difikuldade finanseiru nian.

UHC nia benefísiu klaru. UHC mak hanesan sentral atu hadi’ak saúde no ben-estar – fundamental ba direitus umanus. Populasaun saudavel sei kria ekonomia produtiva ne’ebé mak sei hasa’e padraun ba moris nian. UHC mós fortalese seguransa saúde nian hodi bele fasilita kontensaun diseminasaun moras infesiozus no responde ho efeitivu ba dezastre naturais. Potensiál UHC nian mós atu promove saúde di’ak liu, aumenta igualdade no fortalese seguransa ba saúde – no tenki uza ho totalmente.

Importante liu, UHC nee viável: Iha posibilidade ba progresu, se nasaun nee riku ka kiak. Iha nasaun balun, inklui iha OMS Rejiaun Sudeste-Aziatíku, halo ona progresu mak signifikadu. Sira hahuu wainhira ho 'rendimentu ki'ik'. Nee mak pontu kritíku: laiha ema ida mak hahú husi zero, sempre iha oportunidade hodi muda ba oin.

Dezde tinan 2014 OMS Rejiaun Sudeste-Aziatíku hodi loke oportunidade sira nee, identifika UHC nian hanesan Prioridade Emblemátika, no halo konsultasaun ho membru nasaun seluk - halo planu ho implementa inisiativu ne'ebé di’ak.

Nee inklui aumenta disponibilidade no dezempeñu traballadores saúde nian no asegura sira nia koñesimentu ho abilidade atu bele tuir kriteriu ba nesesidade saúde ba ohin loron nian (no loron aban). Ida nee mós inklui atrai traballadores saúde ba área rurais no fatin sira ne'ebé labele asesu no mantein sira iha nebaa. Adapta liña servisu hodi atende nesesidades populasaun idozus, no mós ho responsabilidade ne’ebé aumenta aas ba moras la hada’et hanesan diabetes no moras fuan, ida nee mós hanesan pontu importante atu fo atensaun liu. Ida nee bele iha kompriensaun mak diak: alende mudansa husi Rejiaun tomak hodi aumenta estillu moris sedentáriu, ba tinan 2020 ne’ebé mak sei iha populasaun ho tinan 60 duké tinan 5.

Aumenta asesu ba medikamentus esensial mós hanesan asesu importante ida mós. Mekanismu inovativu hanesan Rede Regulatóriu ba Sudeste Aziatíku, ne’ebé mak tau hamutuk rekursus regulatóriu Rejiaun nian, ne’ebé maka sei ajuda hodi fornese produtu médiku mak seguru, medikamentus ho kualidade diak ne’ebé mak ema hotu bele asesu. Nunee mós sei iha esforsu atu enkoraja ba presu transparénsia mak di’ak, liu husi plataforma fahe informasaun iha nasaun oioin. Inisiativu iha Rejiaun tomak nee atu bele tau hamutuk akizisaun medikamentus no hahú ho antidotu ne’ebé mak sei fo benefísiu ba nasaun ki’ik sira hodi aumenta sira nia poder ba negosiasaun.

Iha ona progresu iha kada área hirak nee no sira seluk tan. Tuir dadus foin lalais nee, kobertura ba servisu saúde sai di’ak liu tan iha tinan ualu ikus nee iha nasaun 11 membru nasaun iha Rejiaun nee. Ida nee ita tenki selebra. Maibe dezafius iha Rejiaun tomak nee kontinua boot nafatin. Kuaze metade husi populasaun iha Rejiaun Sudeste-Aziatíku seidauk hetan kobertura tomak ba servisu saúde esensial. Ema milliaun 65 balun monu ba liña kiak, tanba halo pagamentu uza osan rasik hodi asesu ba medikamentus, liu-liu ba NCD no moras sira babain.

Haree ba kresimentu ekonomiku mak sustentadu, iha posibilidade no presiza duni aselera ba progresu ida nee. Maske asaun entre setór sira nee mós esensial hodi bele haforsa kobertura saúde, prioridade ba dezempeña programa saúde mós sai hanesan papél importante ida. Maibe atu halo servisu saúde universál lolos sira tenki dezeñu programa nee kona-ba ema, laos kona-ba moras ka institusaun sira. Halo nunee sei fo impaktu ne’ebé imediata no ba durasaun kleur.

Nunee, gastus públiku ba saúde mós importante tebes. Aumenta iha gastus públiku nee la’os deit halo rekursus adisional disponivel – husi aumenta pesoál ba nesesidade báziku no teknolojia – maibe bele mós hamenus gastus husi uma-kain ida-idak, nunee aumenta protesaun finanseiru nian. Iha tinan foin lalais nee, nasaun barak husi Rejiaun nee aumenta ona montante osan ne’ebé gasta ba saúde. Ida nee mos tenki aumenta asesibilidade (no asesu ba) servisu saúde, enkuantu hamenus númeru ema sira ne’ebé husik hela iha kotuk.

Maibe fundus públiku sei la sufisiente: Presiza osan ho valor boot. Ida nee signifika katak dezenvolve no implementa estratejia longu prazu mak defini servisu saida mak presiza, see mak sei fahe, no halo dezeñu mekanismu pagamentu hodi bele maximiza ho efisiensia no hanesan. Sente komplexu? Simplesmente, ida nee signifika organiza sistema saúde iha maneira ne’ebé oferese direitu ba servisu ba ema sira ne’ebé presiza.

Ikus mai, importante halo monitorizasaun. Monitorizasaun ajuda ami hodi komprende see mak husik hela iha kotuk no tanba sa. Ida nee ajuda ami hodi aprende saida mak funsiona no saida mak lae, hodi permiti ami atu halo kursu retifikasaun wainhira presiza. Ida nee hodi rekoñese fali servisu makaas maka nasaun membru ualu ne’ebé iha tinan 2017 voluntáriu halo kompleta revizaun progresu nasionál kona-ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (SDG), inklui iha saúde. Iha tinan hanesan, membru nasaun sira akordu hamutuk atu halo avaliasaun progresu kona-ba UHC no SDG3 (objetivu espesífiku ba saúde) iha Komite Rejional anuál ba OMS Sudeste Aziatíku too tinan 2030. Ida nee sei sai pontu kritíku hodi bele sukat progresu no mantein nafatin momentum nee.

Hodi nunee, ita iha ona situasaun ne’ebé diak. Diretór Jerál OMS ba lideransa no vizaun Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – ne’ebé mak fo prioridade liu ba asegura kobertura saúde ba ema hotu – agora dadaun lidera suporta global ba OMS Rejiaun Sudeste Aziatíku no membru nasaun sira seluk servisu makaas atu atinji: fo onra ba promesa ne’ebé barani maibe simples, no sei muda ema milliaun nia moris iha Rejiaun tomak no liu tan – kobertura saúde mak universál; kobertura saúde mak ba ema hotu, iha ne’ebé deit no la husik ema ida. (pr)   


Kareta ne'ebé hetan tuda iha Letefoho, Ermera, Sesta (06/04). Foto supplied. 

 DILI – Seidauk tama ba iha periodu kampaña eleitoral ba eleisaun antisipada, maibé tensaun politika iha baze komesa manas ba dadauk. 

Lider partidu politika sira ko’alia bebeik no husu bebeik ba povu tomak atu labele kria ka halo instabilidade iha rai laran, liliu iha periodu konsolidasaun partidaria ba to’o periodu kampaña no eleisaun nian, maibé liafuan hirak ne’e folin la’ek de’it, tanba la’ós tentasaun de’it, maibé mosu duni asaun anarkizmu no krime hasoru lider partidu politika sira bainhira ba hala’o konsolidasaun iha baze.

Ijemplu konkretu mak antes ne’e mosu grupu ida taka dalan ba konvoiu portavoz Alliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) atual prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) iha Vikeke, no iha loron Sesta dader, 6 Abril 2018, mosu tan grupu balun halo asaltu ba konvoiu TMR nian ne’ebé tuda kareta Segundu Vise sekretariu jeral partidu CNRT nian, Jacinto Rigoberto iha postu administrativu Letefoho, munisipiu Ermera.

Tuir informasaun ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu katak, ekipa AMP nian kompostu hosi TMR no Jacinto Rigoberto mai hosi diresaun postu administrativu Atsabe atu ba halo konsolidasaun partidu nian iha postu administrativu Hatulia, maibé derepente hetan asaltu hosi grupu deskoñesidu iha dalan klaran, iha postu administrativu Letefoho.

Segundu Vise sekretariu jeral partidu CNRT, Jacinto Rigoberto hatete, nia saudavel hela, maibé nia kareta mak a’at.

“Tarjetu ne'e ba ha'u duni. Vidru kareta oin boot ne’e mak rahun, tanba fatuk boot tolu mak mai loos. Sorte tau reben be la borus,” hatete Rigoberto via kontaktu telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Sesta (06/04).

“Ohin ha’u relata kedas iha polisia eskuadra Letefoho, hasai evidensia buat sira ne’e hotu ne’ebé entrega ba sira. Polisia mós haruka nia ema ida mai akompaña ha’u mai to’o tiha Bulolo mak fila,” hatutan Rigoberto.

Rigoberto hatutan, asaltu ne’e akontese iha postu Letefoho, suku Haubu iha dalan atu ba Hatugau.

Entretantu, komandante eskuadra polisia postu administrativu Letefoho, Cornelio Moniz rekoñese katak, iha duni keixa mai partidu AMP nian kona – bá akontesementu ne’ebé akontese iha Letefoho, maibé komandante Moniz seidauk bele relata kronolojia klean, tanba sei relata relatóriu kompletu ba komandante polisia munisipiu Ermera mak foin bele sai klean.

“Iha keixa duni, maibé sei submete hela iha prosesu iha eskuadra Letefoho, Ermera,” hatete komandante Moniz via kontaktu telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Sesta (06/04).

“Loloos ne’e ha’u bele relata hela, maibé sei prepara hela relatóriu hodi relata ba komandante munisipiu, tanba ha’u nia elementu sira sei halo hela observasaun, identifikaasaun ba fatin krime, no iha hela prosesu laran”.


AMBENO – Pessoal saúde hamutuk ema nain 23 ne’ebé rekruta hosi ministériu saúde destaka iha Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe – Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA) desde Janeiru 2018 to'o oras ne'e seidauk simu saláriu, tanba mosu problema iha funsaun públiku. 

Bazeia ba dokumentu ida ne’ebé Tempo Timor asesu ho númeru referensia 85/SRS – RAEOA ZEESM TL/Gab.SRS/III/2018 katak Ministériu Saúde ho númeru referensia 208/MS/DGSC/RAEOA/III/2018 iha loron Kuarta, 7 Marsu 2018 kona – bá enkamiña lista funsionáriu foun. Nune’e mós despaixu Sekretaria Estadu Rejional Saúde iha loron 9 Marsu 2018 katak, tenke hato’o karta ne’e ba prezidente autoriedade no kopia hato’o ba funsaun públiku RAEOA. Iha biban ne’e sekretaria rejional ba saude enkamiña lista funsionariu foun ne’ebé rekrutadu hosi Ministériu Saúde iha tinan 2017, no mós salariu durante tinan 2017 Ministériu Saúde mak halo pagamentu, maibé infelizmente ministériu hapara ona salariu funsionariu foun ne’ebé koloka ba iha saúde RAEOA iha Dezembru 2017 hamutuk ema nain 23.   Entretantu, despaisu ida seluk hosi ministériu saúde ho númeru referensia 208/MS/DGSC/RAEOA/III/2018 loron 7 Marsu 2018 katak bazeia ba karta serbisu saúde rejiaun Oe – Kusi Ambeno ho númeru referensia 43/SRAS SSROA/Adm – JP/II/2018 iha loron 6 Fevereiru 2018 Diretor Jeral Serbisu Korporativus Ministériu Saúde, José dos Reis Magno husu ba Sekretaria Rejional Saúde RAEOA, atu responsabiliza pagamentu salariu ba funsionariu nain 23 hahu hosi Janeiru 2018 ba oin. 

Osan ne’ebé tenke selu ba pessoal saúde nain 23 mak US $10,175, maibé infelizmente to’o oras ne’e seidauk selu. Jornalista Tempo Timor, Raimundos Oki mós iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno bainhira funsionariu foun hirak ne’e ba hasoru prezidente substitutu RAEOA, Aresnio Paixão Bano iha nia gabinete iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno iha loron 21 Marsu foin lalais, maibé la hetan rezultadu.

“Ami konfirma ona ho funsaun públiku nasionál katak Oe – Kusi Ambeno nia osan iha, maibé funsaun públiku Oe – Kusi Ambeno mak seidauk aprova ho rajaun la klaru,” hatete dotor Paulo Colo via kontaktu telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Sesta (06/04).

“Kleur ona ami seidauk simu ami nia direitu. Lahatene tanba saida mak bele akontese hanesan ne’e,” nia hatutan.  Liu tiha ida ne’e, Tempo Timor marka audiensia ho Arsenio Paixão Bano hodi konfirma kona – ba assuntu ne’e, no assuntu balun, maibé lakohi antende ho rajaun la klaru to’o ohin loron. (Oki) 


DILI - Timor-Leste is about to enter a unique 30-40-year demographic opportunity window with  the potential for rapid economic and human development gains. While many countries are challenged by their aging populations, Timor-Leste, the second youngest country in the Asia-Pacific region, has an opportunity to translate its blessing into socio-economic dividends by unlocking the potential of its youthful population.

However, this endeavour is challenged by a significant number of unemployed and underemployed youth who face multiple wellbeing vulnerabilities, particularly in education and community vitality. Unless more targeted and quality investments are made now in health, education and the economy, Timor-Leste may miss out on this unique opportunity to unleash its development potential over the next few decades.

Launched today by Minister for the Council of Ministers Adriano do Nascimento, the Timor-Leste National Human Development Report 2018, entitled ‘Planning the Opportunities for a Youthful Population’ aims to promote public discussion and policy making around investing in youth and their well-being to benefit from a potential demographic dividend. The report is the outcome of a two-year collaboration between the UNDP, the Government of Timor-Leste and Flinders University, Australia.

“Timor-Leste is presented with a unique opportunity to make a significant leap forward in its human development,” said Mr. Roy Trivedy, United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative. “This can only be harnessed through an empowered generation of young women and men who are appropriately skilled, well-educated, and equipped to contribute fully to the process of nation building.”

Timor-Leste is one of the youngest countries in the world with 74 per cent of the population aged under 35, making it the second youngest nation in the Asia-Pacific region after Afghanistan and 15th youngest globally. Consequently, young people have the potential to play an extremely important role in the country’s achievement of its future development aspirations.

The report measures the subjective well-being of youth aged 15-34 across eight aspects of well-being based on a nationwide survey. Promisingly, it finds that three quarters of youth across Timor-Leste perceive themselves as leading healthy and satisfactory lives overall, however, it also finds that more than 80 percent experience deprivations in education and community vitality.

“Political leaders, government officials, businesses, community leaders and development partners have a responsibility to invest now in the wellbeing of youth. We need to unlock the potential of young people to contribute more effectively to Timor-Leste’s development to help create a more prosperous and sustainable future for all,” said Mr. Trivedy.

Inadequate investments in education and training result in a large pool of unemployed youth who feel unprepared for and lack the skills required to access decent employment. This is intensified for adolescent girls and young women who are further disadvantaged in fully participating in education and the economy due to gender roles. The perceived support youth receive from their communities is limited while more than 75 per cent have elevated levels of concern related to safety and security.

Considering the noticeable decline in birth rate in recent years and the arrival of a demographic window of opportunity, the report proposes that the largest human development gains and a rise in GDP per capita from $2,619 in 2015 to $15,375 in 2030 can be achieved if interventions in education and the economy are complemented by increased access to reproductive health services.

The report recommends allocating 25 per cent of the state budget to education and training and calls for several reforms to achieve better quality education and the transformation of economically inactive youth into entrepreneurs in agriculture, tourism and other sectors of the economy that show potential for growth. (pr)


DILI - Timor-Leste atu tama dadauk ba janela uniku ida tinan 30-40 ba oportunidade demografika ho potensialidade ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku no umanu ne’ebe lais. Enkuantu nasaun barak enfreta dezafiu husi sira nia populasaun idozus, Timor-Leste, segundu nasaun ne’ebe joven liu iha rejiaun Asia-Pasifiku, iha oportunidade atu transfere tulun ne’e ba socio-ekonomiku dividendu liu-husi loke potensialidade populasain joven sira nian. 

Maibé, esforsu ne’e hasoru dezafiu husi numeru joven dezempregu ne’ebe hasoru vulnerabilidade oioin iha moris diak, partikularmente iha edukasaun no vitalidade komunitaria. Investimentu ho kualidade no tarjetu tenke aumenta barak liu ba saúde, edukasaun no ekonomia agora, se lae Timor-Leste bele lakon oportunidade uniku atu hasae potensialidade dezenvolvimentu ba dekade hirak tuir mai. 

Relatoriu Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu Umanu Timor-Leste 2018 ho titlu “Planeia Oportunidade ba Populasaun Joven ida” ne’ebé lansa ona husi Ministru do Konsellu de Ministry Adriano do Nascimento ohin, nia objetivu mak atu promove diskusaun publiku no formulasaun politika sira kona-ba investimentu iha joventude no sira nia moris-diak, nune’e bele benefisia husi potensialidade demografika dividendu. Relatoriu ida ne’e resultadu husi kolaborasaun durante tinan rua entre PNUD, Governo Timor-Leste no Universidade Flinders, Australia. 

“Timor-Leste iha oportunidade uniku atu aselera ninia dezenvolvimentu umanu,” hatete, Roy Trivedy, Kordenador Rezidente Nasaun Unidas no Reprezentante Rezidente PNUD ba Timor - Leste.

“Ida ne’e so bele aproveita liu husi jerasaun joven feto no mane sira ne’ebe iha kbiit, abilidade, edukasaun diak, no preparadu atu kontribui totalmente iha prosesu konstrusaun nasaun,” hatutan Roy.  

Timor-Leste mak nasaun ida joven liu iha mundu ho prosentu 74 husi populasaun ne’ebe ho idade 35 anos ba kraik, sai hanesan nasaun foinsae daruak iha regiaun Asia-pasifiku depoisde Afghanistaun, no globalmente joven liu ba dala 15. Tanba ne’e, joven sira iha potensialidade boot atu halao sira nia knaar importante hodi realiza nasaun ne’e nia aspirasaun ba futuru dezenvolvimentu.

Relatoriu ne’e sukat joven ho idade entre 15-34 sira nia moris-diak iha aspetu 8 (walu) moris-diak nian bazeia ba survei iha nasaun laran tomak. Survei ne’e hetan katak tres quartos husijuventude sira iha Timor-Leste laran tomak konsidera sira nia an iha kondisaun saude diak no moris satisfatoriu jeralmente, maibé, survei ne’e mos hetan katak 80% liu joventude sira esperensia limitasaun oioin iha edukasaun no vitalidade komunitaria.

“Lideransa politika sira, ofisial governu, negosiador, lideransa komunitariu no parseria dezenvolvimentu sira iha responsabilidade atu investe iha joventude sira moris diak. Ita presiza loke potensialidade ba jerasaun populasaun joven atu kontribui efetivamente ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian atu ajuda kria prosperiadade no sustentabilidade futuru ba hotu-hotu.”

Investementu la adekuadu iha edukasaun no treinamentu ba grupu juventude sira ne’ebé dezempregu ne’ebe sente la perparadu ba no falta abilidade nesesariu ba asesu serbisu ne’ebe diak. Ida ne’e intensifikasaun ba joventude feto no feto foinsae ne’ebe dezvantajen liu atu partisipaiha edukasaun no ekonomiatanba papel jeneru. Joven sira mos konsidera katak apoiu ne’ebe sira simu husi sira nia komunidade limitadu enkuantu liu pursentu 75 iha preokupasaun nivel ass relasiona ho protesaun no seguransa.

Hare katak taixa moris nian tuun iha tinan hirak liu ba no jenela oportunidade demografika ne’ebé mai dadauk, relatoriu ne’e propoin katak dezenvolvimentu umanu bo’ot liu no GDP per kapita bele sae husi $2,619 iha tinan 2015 ba $15,375 iha 2030 bele atinji se intervensaun iha edukasaun no ekonomiaakompania hoho hasae asesu ba servisu saude reproduktiva.

Relatoriu ne’e rekomenda alokasaun pursentu 25 husi orsamentu estadu ba edukasaun no treinamentu no reforma oioin atu alkansa edukasaun ne’ebe iha kualidade diak no transformasaun ba joventude ne’ebe lativu ekonomikamente sai emprendedor iha agrikultura, turismu no setór ekonomiku seluk nian iha ne’ebe hatudu potensialidade ba krezimentu. (pr)


Prijaun Bekora  

BEKORA – Dadus estatistika hosi prijaun Bekora kona – bá total prijioneiru sira oras ne’e hamutuk ema nain 569. 

Diretor Prijaun Bekora, João Domingos katak, hosi númeru ne’e dadur joven hamutuk 39, prijioneiru kondenadu hamutuk 415, prijioneiru preventiva hamutuk 154. 

Iha mós dadur estranjeiru hamutuk 16 mai hosi Indonezia nain hitu (7), Xineza nain tolu (3), Austrália nain rua (2), no Filipina nain ha’at (4). Priojioneiru ba krime droga hamutuk ema nain ne’en hanesan Indonézia nain ha’at (4), Timoroan nain ida, no Austrália nain ida. 

Iha mós membru F – FDTL nain rua (2), eis membru PNTL nain rua (2).  

“Hosi númeru prijioneiru ne’e sira iha komportamentu di’ak, tanba to’o agora ita boot sira la rona sira perturba seguransa tantu iha Bekora no Glneo, maibé buat hotu la’o ho di’ak,” hatete diretor João ba Tempo Timor iha prijaun Bekora, Dili foin lalais. 

Iha mós prijioneiru hamutuk ema nain 11 mak sofre hela moras mental, maibé parte prijaun serbisu hamutuk ho ministériu saúde hodi halo tratamentu intensivu ba prijioneiru hirak ne’e. No hamutuk nain hitu (7) mak sofre moras TBC. 

“Iha dotor psikiater ida mak halo tratamentu ba sira kada loron Sesta. Moras hirak ne’e mosu iha liur mak lori mai iha prijaun”. (Oki)   


Tribunal Distrital Oe - Kusi Ambeno. Foto Tempo Timor/Raimundos Oki  

NIANAPU – Kondenadu ida ba krime violasaun sexual mate iha sela polisia Oe – Kusi, tanba deskonfia tara a’an, maibé familia matebian kondena maka’as polisia Task Force ne’ebé falla atu asegura matebian iha sela laran. 

Tribunal Disttrital Oe-Kusi kondena arguidu nain ha'at ba kazu krime violasaun sexual iha tinan 2016. Desijaun ba kazu ne’e akontese iha loron Segunda, 19 Marsu foin lalais. Tribunal kondena matebian Agustinho Sequeira da Cruz (22) ho pena prijaun tinan 15, no nain rua seluk mós tinan 15 inklui kondenadu ida mak hetan kondenasaun tinan 22. Hafoin desijaun ne’e, kondenadu nain tolu ba hatama iha sela detensaun polisia Oe – Kusi Ambeno hodi hein to’o atu transfere ba prijaun Bekora, Dili iha loron Tersa, 20 Marsu maibé la konsege, tanba kondenadu Agustinho mate iha sela polisia.

Inan hosi matebian Agostinho haktuir katak, sira simu ho laran luak kona – bá desijaun Tribunal nian, maibé la si mu situasaun ne’ebé hamate nia oan mane primeiru iha sela detensaun polisia laran. 

“Durante tinan rua tahanan luar am i kumpri lei, maibé tanba saida mak ha’u nia oan mate iha polisia nia liman laran, no polisia dehan sira lahatene buat ida. Polisia tenke responsabiliza ba kazu ne’e,” hatete Felisberta da Conceição nu’udar inan hahoris matebian Agostinho ba Tempo Timor iha aldeia Nianapu, suku Bobometo, sub - rejiaun Oe - Sili, Oe - Kusi Ambeno, Kuarta 20 Marsu 2018.

Felisberta hatutan, liu tiha ida ne’e, polisia mós foti mate isin lori ba sala mortuariu hospital refereal Oe – Kusi nian hodi halo autopsia, maibé la autoriza inan – aman atu tama hare sira nia oan, no to’o oras ne’e mós dotor seidauk fó sai rezultadu autopsia kona – bá kazu ne’e rasik.

“Tanba saida mak sira lori halai ba sala mortuario, no la autoriza ami hodi tama ba hare. Ne’e saida mak hanesan ne’e. Hatoba ha’u nia oan iha hospital durante loron tolu mós nunka autoriza ami atu tama hare,” esplika Felisberta.

Nia dehan, iha posibilidade boot ba involvimentu polisia nian mak hamate nia oan iha sela polisia Oe – Kusi, tanba hafoin desijaun Tribunal nian iha Segunda, polisia serbisu investigasaun kriminal lori kondenadu nain tolu ne’e ba sulan iha sela detensaun polisia nian hodi hein Tersa, 20 Marsu ró ba Oe – Kusi mak bele transporta kondenadu hirak ne’e ba prijaun Bekora, Dili, maibé la konsege, tanba kondenadu Agostinho mate iha sela laran.

“Labarik nain tolu ne’e toba hamutuk iha kuartu ida de’it. Sira nain rua seluk ne’e tama ba sela laran ho isin tanan (molik) de’it, maibé ha’u nia oan sira (polisia) husik nia tama ho nia ropa kompletu, depois kalan fahe ba rua, ahi eletrisidade mate, no Tersa dadersan ha’u simu informasaun katak ha’u nia oan mate ona iha sela laran, tanba deskonfia tara a’an ka oho a’an ho nia faru ne’ebé nia uja,” haktuir Felisberta.

Bainhira polisia lori mate isin entrega ba inan – aman mós polisia kontinua “falsifika” termu entrega katak matebian mate iha hospital. La’ós mate iha sela polisia.

“Ha’u tama ba hare matebian toba taka rabat rai ho kondisaun mate. Nia faru kesi hela iha kakorok. Ha’u atu foti telefone hodi hasai foto mós polisia lakohi,” haktuir matebian nia aman ki’ik Elias Abi.

“Agustinho mate iha sela polisia, la’ós iha hospital,” hatete Elias.

Nune’e, polisia ba dala tolu ona iha matebian nia uma hodi entrega termu entrega mós familia lakohi simu, tanba konsidera termu entrega ne’e nakonu ho falsifikasaun ho intensaun atu halakon evidensia ba matebian nia mate.

Kazu ne’e oras ne’e sai polémika boot iha Oe – Kusi Ambeno. Liliu hosi parte familia nian deskonfia polisia sira ne’ebé hala’o serbisu iha Tersa kalan mak oho mate sira nia oan. Entretantu, informasaun hosi parte polisia nian katak evidensia hatudu, matebian mak desidi oho nia a’an rasik ho nia faru, maibé polisia oras ne’e mós sei kontinua hala’o prosesu investigasaun ba kazu ne’e hodi hatene nia hun no abut.

Hatan kona – bá deklarasaun familia nian, komandante polisia Oe – Kusi Ambeno, superintendente xefe, Arnaldo de Araújo katak, to’o oras ne’e parte ministériu públiku sei hala’o hela prosesu investigasaun, no seidauk bele fó resposta ba kestaun ne’e, tanba kazu ne’e sei iha hela prosesu investigasaun nia laran.

“Agora sei halo hela prosesu investigasaun iha Ministériu Públiku. Ha’u seidauk bele fó sai ba públiku sem (tanpa) iha notifikasaun ruma,” hatete komandante Arnaldo via telemovel ba Tempo Timor, Sabadu (31/03).

Defeza ba matebian, defensor Kalisto Tout katak, to’o oras ne’e mós nia seidauk hatene klaru kona – bá motivu kazu ne’e.

“Nu’udar defeza ba matebian, ha’u sente laran triste tebes, tanba matebian tama ba sela polisia ho saudavel, maibé derepente mate. Agora ita hein de’it rezultadu autopsia atu hatete oinsá,” hatete defensor Tout ba Tempo Timor iha Tribunal Distrital Oe – Kusi Ambeno, Segunda (2/04).

Nia hatutan, bainhira rezultadu autopsia hatudu homesidu (ema mak oho) kondenadu Agostinho mak dono (nain) ba prosesu ne’e ka Ministériu Públiku sei halo prosesu.

“Maibé se nain ba asaun penál mak la foti asaun, entaun defensor públiku sei uja nia kompetensia atu halo rekursu,” nia esplika.

Rezultadu autopsia ba kazu ne’e seidauk fó sai nia rezultadu, no parte familia planeia ona atu hato’o hikas keixa eskrita kona – ba kazu ne’e rasik. (Oki) 



DILI – Sekretáriu Jeral partidu FRETILIN atuál primeiru – ministru governu minória no governu jestaun, Mari Alkatiri hatete, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no Taur Matan Ruak moe laiha, tanba uja boiña mean, no Matan Ruak responde katak se boiña mean mak laiha Mari Alkatiri mós la mai Timor, maibé hela metin de’it iha Maputo (Moçambique). 


 Mari Alkatiri 

DILI – Primeiru – Ministru governu minória no governu jestaun, Mari Alkatiri hatete, se momentu nia mak ba halo negósiasaun, no fila mai mak la lori kadoras mina rai mai Timor – Leste, oras ne’e kala ema tara ona nia.




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