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Tempotimor (Dili) – Diresaun Nasionál Empregu Exteriór (DNEE), Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE) servisu hamutuk ho ekipa husi Koreia du Súl hala’o skill test ba joven na'in 722, ne’ebé liu ona teste online lian koreia ninian.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Prosesu fahe formulariu ba joven Timor-oan sira ne’ebé hakarak rejistu hodi konkore sai membru foun F-FDTL hamosu preokupasaun, tanba joven barak mak la konsege hetan formulariu ne’ebé fahe iha sede suku sira iha Timor laran tomak.

By José Belo, editor in chief of Tempo Timor

 If Timor-Leste won its amazing struggle for independence against all odds without foreign advisors BUT based on a well-planned and well-executed strategy, could it be that Timor-Leste can also successfully develop as a nation without unnecessary influence from foreign advisors? After all, many of the same brilliant leaders who strategized and worked together to win independence are all still alive. If anything, these same leaders are even more brilliant today after many more years of experience in trying to build the State. This article is meant to provoke further thought along these lines.

Tempotimor (Dili)-Tinan rua ona familia husi vitima ho inisial CF ho pasensia gasta tempu hodi ba-mai tribunal atu bele hetan justisa. Maibé, julgamentu ba kazu ne’e sempre adia hela de’it. Situasaun ida ne’e halo familia vitima ninia konfiansa ba tribunal hahú mihis.

Tempotimor (Oekusi) – Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), Julião da Silva, akompaña husi Prezidente Interinu RAEOA, Arsenio Bano, Segunda (25/11/19) halo lansamentu rekrutamentu kandidatus traballadór Seasonal Worker Program (SWP) ba Austrália.

Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) ne’ebé lidera husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak fó serbisu ba asesor liu rihun ida. Husi númeru ne’e ministériu balun bele iha asesor to’o na’in 192.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Konferénsia Internasionál TVET 2019, bele haforsa relasaun entre parte sira interesadu ba Indústria no governu ho Sentru Informasaun sira, no mós bele aprende istória susesu sira iha ASEAN no Austrália kona-ba TVET relasaun ho indústria.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), Kinta (14/11/19) entrega Sentru Formasaun (SF) DIT-Baukau ba governu, liuhusi Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), Julião da Silva iha kampus DIT, Manleuana, Dili.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Ajénsia MADEC husi Austrália, Kuarta (13/11/19) halo rasik teste ba timoroan na'in 700, ne'ebé tuir Seasonal Worker Program (SWP) iha Sentru Formasaun Tibar.

Tempotimor (Dili) – Kompetisaun Nasionál ba Aptidaun 2019, remata. Sekretáriu Estádu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu SEFOPE Julião da Silva reprezenta Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonomia (MKAE) mak ensera Kompetisaun Nasionál ne’ebé realiza durante loron tolu iha salaun Dom Bosco, Komoro ne'e.



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